1 Dmg Vs 1 Crit

Maybe some would weight one option relative to the other because the prefer the reliability of dmg or the rng possibility of crit. If your goal is to run ISE over and over and then post your best result, it would be better to choose crit because over a finite period of time (1 run) you will of course have runs with higher and lower crit rates. Which one is better for more DMG? Also, I am currently using ender armor and reforged 3 of the pieces with unpleasant (+6% crit DMG +12% crit chance in end) and one piece with godly (+12% crit DMG +6% crit chance +14 Strength in end) all my talismans are reforged with itchy.

  1. 1 Dmg Vs 1 Crit Game
  2. 1 Dmg Vs 1 Crit Build
  3. 1 Dmg Vs 1 Crit 2
Although I've been playing ESO since pre-release last year, I still don't fully understand weapon damage vs. weapon critical and when each is more important than the other. I used to think weapon crit was more important in PvE and weapon damage in PvP, but then someone told me I had that backwards. So I'd really appreciate the forum community's insights.
My main is a vr14 Imperial Templar DPS using 2h sword and a bow since pre-release. She also has leveled both staffs to 50. I've made it all the way through Cadwell's s/g with her, done my share of PvP, and plenty of other achievements. But damage vs. crit is still a question for me, especially now with stamina builds having their day since 1.6 release.
Thanks in advance to everyone who participates in this discussion.

  1. Question about Attack/Spell crit damage vs crit hit damage Question Essentially, am I right in assuming that Critical Hit Damage is the 'universal' modifier, where as Attack Critical Damage affects the crits on your basic attacks and Spell Critical affecting spells.
  2. Jan 30, 2012  Crit Chance vs. Armor Pen - FINALLY, THE THEORY CRAFT. Comment below rating threshold. I've been doing the math behind armor pen vs crit chance vs crit dmg runes lately for my gp build and have come across this assumption many times. Armor Pen is actually worth LESS than the ideal 1 to 1% more dmg ratio. As we go higher and higher.

1 Dmg Vs 1 Crit Game

Look, I am not a specialist of min / max, but using logic occurs to me the following.1 Dmg Vs 1 Crit
Normal damage is sustained (uniform).
The critical damage is sporadic (depends on chance%)
CritIn PvE you can position yourself in an almost static position and constantly make an impact since it is easy to predict the motion of an NPC.

1 Dmg Vs 1 Crit Build

In PvP do not know if you're going to hit or miss since the other player moves randomly.

1 Dmg Vs 1 Crit 2

Having a chance to blow a player is more difficult and perhaps you miss a chance of critical so unless the crit chance is high I do not see recommended for PvP. The problem of normal damage in PvP is that it may not be enough to lower an opponent's life and given a chance to heal, so a good chance of critical can be more profitable.
In PvE, hit is easier and NPCs do not heal so fast so maybe it is not necessary to use critical and perhaps normal damage sustained in the long run is better.
Alright, This is one thing I have a problem with the most. Its not the fact that Its 'Attack Damage Carry' And 90% of the ADC's are built with like, 1 damage item and the rest are Attack speed, But because There are some people who will build NOTHING but attack speed. Now, for some champs this is an ALRIGHT thing, but for most, not really. Anyways, i'll get on with the Assessment. Attack damage: This is the supposably Most important about ADC's, and is considered the 'Bread and butter'. This is best chosen against: **VS Speedy people:** This is the best example. If I hit someone with lets say 500 MS, I want that one attack to make an impact. The more AD, The harder it hits, and if they don't have much armor, It wont need last that long. **VS Tanky people: **This is where Attack Damage is the most needed. For an example, Champions like Jinx (Yes, I know, she is an ASC champ, but just listen) Would normally build AS, what this will do is essentially get you more hits off, but wont do as much damage. This affects tanks because if I hit a champ with a high armor with someone with 100 AD, i'll do only a % of that to him. and usually, it adds up.. But if I have a 'Glass Cannon' build, like 500 AD (is that even buildable?), I'll do essentially 5x that damage in only ONE hit, and still have the ability to build Armor Pen. Attack Speed: This is the Second most important stat of an 'ADC', and can be used for A LOT of situations. This works good against: **VS 'Glass Cannon' People:** Now, some players ask: (Whats glass cannon?). This actually is a common build for Mages, and basically, think of doing 10000 damage in one strike, but being un able to move or last that long in battles. I mean, complete 1 shot and out style. Anyways, this works best against glass cannons as they usually don't build a lot of armor, and because of that, you can use More attacks to quickly gib them down to 1 hp. and at that point, well, either you'll kill them, or they're getting ganked. **VS Towers:** Believe it or not, ADC's are one of the best champ types to take towers down, and its not because they can do lots of damage, but because they can dish it out at a range, meaning less time from getting from out of range to in range. and for champs like Cait or Tryst, Range is NOT a problem Crit Chance: This is the most OP stat any AA Champ can build. Being able to double, or even more than double with IE, This works most effective against: **VS Other ADCs:** Now, trust me, This will give you a higher advantage, Especially if you are at a more advanced state than the other. This will make your attacks double, and since most of the crit chance items also build AS, Well, Shredded. **VS Assassins:** (BUT FOX! YOU ALREADY DID HARD HITTERS) Yes I did, but I didn't do assassins. Assassins differentiate from most Glass cannons or Speedy people, Because they usually have a Gap closer AND escape. Now, against Talon, or even Kat, Supports really make a difference, but if you can land crits on the enemy, and chunk them down: GG, if you cant... BG.

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