Does Sheild Dmg Count Towards Damage Dealt Apex


Feb 25, 2019  Apex Legends armor doesn't count towards damage Fadeaway Fanatic. Sign in to make your opinion count. How To Deal More Damage Per Game in Apex Legends! 2-3k Damage. What is the abbreviation for Damage? What does DMG stand for? DMG abbreviation stands for Damage.

  1. R/apexlegends: The developer supported, community-run subreddit dedicated to Apex Legends made by Respawn Entertainment. Press J to jump to the feed. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts.
  2. Shields take on the armor and mr of the champion it is cast on, so casting Janna's shield on rammus gives him a beefy shield. True damage behaves just like any other damage when affecting shields so it ignores the resistances but not the shield itself.
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Energy Shield[edit]

Required Level: 24
Prerequisites:Charged Bolt, Telekinesis, Lightning, Teleport, Chain Lightning
Synergies: Points in Telekinesis boost the effectiveness of Energy Shield, decreasing the absorption by 6.25% per point. (See below.)
Details: Energy Shield allows the Sorceress to redirect damage from life to mana. Instead of attacks costing her life, some % of them (increasing with more points in the skill) will subtract from her mana instead.

  • The use of this skill varies a lot between Sorceresses. Since only a % of the incoming damage is redirected, this skill needs a fair amount of points to be useful.
  • High hit point or low mana builds will find this less necessary or useful.
  • Telekinesis improves this skill by making the damage absorption more efficient. By default, each point of damage redirect to mana consumes 2 mana points. So with lvl 7 Energy Shield absorbing 50% of damage, 10 points of damage would take off 5 life and 10 mana. If that same Sorceress had 8 points in Telekinesis, the mana cost would be cut to 7.5 mana. With 16 points in TK, the mana loss would only be 5, a 50% decrease.
Mana Cost:5
Skill Level Progression [e]
1 20% Dmg 1446 45% Dmg 44411 61% Dmg 74416 71% Dmg 1044
2 25% Dmg 2047 50% Dmg 50412 63% Dmg 80417 72% Dmg 1104
3 30% Dmg 2648 55% Dmg 56413 65% Dmg 86418 73% Dmg 1164
4 35% Dmg 3249 57% Dmg 62414 67% Dmg 92419 74% Dmg 1224
5 40% Dmg 38410 59% Dmg 68415 69% Dmg 98420 75% Dmg 1284


Q: What does telekinesis do for energy shield?

A: Energy shield takes 2 points of mana for every point of life it absorbs. Each point you spend in telekinesis reduces this by 0.0625 point. This means that after 16 points you’re only losing half the mana compared to zero points, or one mana per absorbed life. At 20 points you’re only losing 0.75 mana per absorbed hit point.

Q: So if you get a level 32 telekinesis you’re losing no mana through energy shield?


A: No, it only works with actual invested points, so level 20 (1:0.75) is the limit.

Q: How much damage can energy shield absorb?

A: It’s capped at 95%, which is at skill level (slvl) 40. After that only the duration of energy shield increases.

Q: What is the energy shield bug?

A: It doesn’t exist. This ‘bug’ you might’ve heard about, is simply an intended change from blizzard. This change is that energy shield is now applied before resistances, meaning your mana gets drained four times as much as it used to with maxed resistances. Telekinesis doesn’t totally make up for this, but it helps.

Q: Is energy shield applied before the PvP penalty?

A: No. This is good since this means 6 times less mana draining.

Q: How do I calculate damage taken to mana and life with energy shield?

There’s a formula for that:

Damage to life = InitialDamage*(W/100)*(1-X/100)*(1-Y/100)*(1-Z/100)

W = PvP penalty (for most, if not all attacks 17%)
X = % resistance (or damage reduction in case of a physical attack)
Y = % chance to block (in case of a physical attack or blockable elemental attack)
Z = % energy shield

Fill in zero if you have zero resistance or block or damage reduction.

For example if you take 12,000 damage hit from a fire ball when dueling another sorceress with maxed telekinesis, resistances and 95% (max) energy shield:

Damage to life = 12,000*0.17*(1-0.75)*(1-0)*(1-0.95) = 25.5 life lost

For damage to mana another formula can be used:

Damage to mana = Damage*(2 – 0.0625x)*(W/100)

x = slvl telekinesisW = pvp penalty

Take the same example as above, with the fire ball hitting:

Damage to mana = 12,000*(2-0.0625*20)*(0.17) = 1530 mana lost

Q: Is damage to mana % effective in combination with energy shield?

A: No. Since damage to mana is now subtracted from the actual damage you take, in our fire ball example, it would take (1,500/25)*100 = 6,000% damage to mana in order to restore the lost mana. The higher your energy shield gets, the less you benefit from %damage to mana.

A formula for this is:Damage to mana/Damage to life*100 = Amount of DmgToMana% needed to fully restore lost mana

Q: Is Energy shield viable?

A: Yes, this build is very powerful in both PvM as in PvP, the main problems are getting enough damage output, and mana burn monsters in PvM.

Q: I don't get all this math, in simple language, what can ES do for me?

A: It can absorb 95% of all damage you take, given that you can keep your mana high enough. Your lost life will be very minor, but your mana takes heavy beat. Telekinesis helps reducing the cost of mana.

Q: Does energy shield absorb all attacks?

A: No, it doesn't absorb poison and open wounds. There's also reports of a bug where it doesn't absorb charge either.

Input (still) very welcome, when constructively and at least somewhat nicely brought.


  • Fixed formulae
  • Added some information
  • Corrected pvp penalty
  • Slightly edited layout
  • Minor spelling corrections

FAQ by soepgroente


Amazon (skill)
• Bow & X-Bow
• Javelin & Spear
• Passive & Magic

Assassin (skill)
• Martial Arts
• Shadow Discip.
• Traps

Barbarian (skill)
• Masteries
• Combat Skills
• Warcries

Druid (skill)
• Elemental
• Shape Shift
• Summoning

Necromancer (skill)
• Curses
• Poison & Bone
• Summoning

Paladin (skill)
• Combat
• Def. Auras
• Off. Auras

Sorceress (skill)
• Cold
• Fire
• Lightning

The Sorceress - Sorceress Skills[e]
Cold SkillsFire SkillsLightning Skills

• Ice Bolt
• Frozen Armor
• Frost Nova
• Ice Blast
• Shiver Armor

• Glacial Spike
• Blizzard
• Chilling Armor
• Frozen Orb
• Cold Mastery

• Fire Bolt
• Warmth
• Inferno
• Blaze
• Fireball

• Fire Wall
• Enchant
• Meteor
• Fire Mastery
• Hydra

• Charged Bolt
• Telekinesis
• Static Field
• Lightning
• Nova

• Chain Lightning
• Teleport
• Thunder Storm
• Energy Shield
• Lightning Mastery

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ESO FAQ >> What Is A Damage Shield

A damage shield is basically a layer of protection which absorbs incoming damage. A number of Skills provide damage shields such as Blazing Shield (Templar), Steadfast Ward (Restoration Staff) and Bone Shield (Undaunted). These Skills all have a specified shield value and duration which applies to the damage shield effect.

Mechanics of Damage Shields

The mechanics of damage shields work differently compared to other types of damage mitigation like Armor and Spell Resistance. A damage shield places a layer of protection which will absorb all incoming damage until it is either destroyed (the damage exceeds the shield value) or ends (at the end of the duration). The value of the damage shield determines how much damage can be absorbed before it is destroyed.

Does Shield Dmg Count Towards Damage Dealt Apex Free

It is important to remember that a damage shield has no mitigation itself (Armor / Spell Resist). This means that a damage shield will take more damage than your character would because you have some mitigation. This is why damage shields is not like boosting your Max Health.

Blazing Shield is a typical damage shield example, it provides a damage shield to the caster (player) with a value of 30% Max Health. So if my Health was 20,000, then my damage shield value would be 6,000. My damage shield would last until an enemy did more than 6,000 damage to it or 6 seconds, whichever is sooner.

All damage shields operate with a “first on, first off” rule. This means that you can stack damage shields on top of each other but the first shield that you cast will remain on top taking damage until it ends. So if I cast Blazing Shield and then Steadfast Ward, the Blazing Shield would absorb any incoming damage first and then when it ended the Steadfast Ward would take the rest of the damage.

Also note that you can’t stack damage shields from the same Skill – so I can’t stack 3 Blazing Shields on top of each other.

In Cyrodiil and Imperial City all damage shields are reduced by 50%, along with all damage and healing. This is part of the Battle Spirit effect which will also reduce damage and healing values by 50% in an effort to reduce the time to kill in PVP. There is currently a bug which does not allow critical strike to occur on damage shields, which will hopefully be fixed.

Overflow Bug


There is speculation that a bug exists where any “overflow” damage when a damage shield is destroyed is then applied to the target without mitigation. While this may have existed at some point, after extensive testing there is no longer evidence of this bug. The testing involved Blazing Shield on a character with no other Attributes or Skills and the damage recorded followed known mechanics. The damage against the damage shield was indeed not mitigated, but any extra damage was mitigated with Armor or Spell Resistance.

Skills With A Damage Shield




1 Hand & Shield

2 Handed

Restoration Staff

Does Shield Dmg Count Towards Damage Dealt Apex Mean

Light Armor


Does Shield Dmg Count Towards Damage Dealt Apex 2

Alliance War – Support

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