Cast When Dmg Taken Enfeeble Links

CWDT + Portal i had a guy using this in poorjoy's rotation as our frontliner. I've seen quite some ppl click on it, leaving the map with no remaining portals. Also CWDT + flesh/bone/spirit offering is great (include desecrate if you are necro and got the gemslots for it). Just to be a bit more careful on crazy beyond maps or DD boxes & bameth to get rid of some corpses around you. The DMG file format is used for mountable disk images, which can be opened (mounted) with the Finder a default file manager included in OS X (macOS).The dmg files can also be mounted in most popular emulation utilities. The dmg file type is a replacement for the older IMG format used in Mac OS Classic and is not compatible with Mac OS 9 or earlier.

R4PG Game StoreDate: Sep/06/19 02:09:52Views: 1683

Blight League brings many skill changes and new tower defense themes, r4pg also prepared PoE 3.8 Shadow Builds for players, including Assassin, Saboteur, Trickster. Players can choose some as league starter builds. When you get some poe currency, you can also challenge powerful builds worth investing in.

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Shadow Assassin

[3.8] PoE Blade Flurry Poison Assassin Beginner Build - Starting Guides

  • + Fast, versatile and fun build
  • + Beginner friendly | Can be done on a budget
  • + Boss killer
  • + All contents viable
  • - Cannot do phys reflect maps
  • - Clearspeed is nice but not super-fast. We are no Winter-Orb MF farmer.
  • - Quite Expensive for endgame (25ex and more)
  • - Quite glass-cannon
  • - Struggles in Delve 300+

BF gives you +20% more dmg for each stage, with a total of +100% more when you reach 6th stage, basically doubling your DPS. And some more when you release the wave. That's where all the juice is.
So you gotta learn the perfect channelling, by releasing it the exact moment you see the green aura pop, and then start back to stage 1 immediately. As it depends of your APS (attack per second), you gotta get used to it. Since reaching 6th stage can take somewhere between 2sec and 0,5sec.
If you have 6 APS, it takes exactly 1 sec to reach max stage.

L = link S = socket + = linked , = not linked

Body Armour, 6L : Blade Flurry + Impale + Vile Toxins + Infused Channelling + Rage + Energy Leech

Unset Ring, 1S: Berserk

Helmet, 4L: Whirling Blades + Faster Attacks + Fortify + Blood Magic

Gloves, 4L: Enlighten lvl 3 + Pride + Flesh and Stone + Maim

Boots, 4L: Ancestral Protector + Vaal Ancestral Warchief + Multiple Totems support + Lesser Poison

Dagger 1, 3L: CwdT lvl 3 + Cold Snap lvl 7 + Phase Run lvl 5.

Dagger 2 or Shield, 3S: Blood and Sand, Precision lvl 1, Dread Banner

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[3.8] Nickonasty's Modular CoCpri Ice Nova Assassin

The aim of this guide is to offer a 'build your own' approach to the typical Ice Nova CoC Assassin, achieving more tankiness and damage at a fraction of the cost.

Core gearing utilizes unique interactions of Soul Tether and Glorious Vanity to increase total eHP significantly with little gear and tree investment. It also utilizes Yoke of Suffering interactions with ailments to achieve results on par with Pandemonius at 1/6 the cost.

The rest of the build is largely at the discretion of the player: any chest is viable, dual wielding is possible with the setup, running extra auras or heralds is possible, and using an alternative gear set for speed mapping achievable as well.

PoB pastebin

Cost Effective Caboose (BUDGET):

Mocha Chai Fair Trade Pumpkin Spice Soy Latte (OG + DISC):

Salami Slap Map Zamboni (OG):

Malice Rare Annihilating Phallus (HH DUAL WIELD):

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Shadow Saboteur

[3.8] PoE Arc / Ice Spear Mines Saboteur Beginner Build - Step By Step Leveling Video Guide

  • + Over 7.5k Effective hp with Mind Over Matter
  • + Can do any map mod in the game
  • + Costs less than 30c to play
  • + EXTREMELY easy leveling
  • + Explode ENTIRE screen
  • + Acrobatics and Phase Acrobatics
  • + Can tackle all content
  • + High Dmg output
  • - Has fast map clear but not the fastest: B+ tier
  • - Allies cannot die auras are annoying

This build is the jack of all trades. It can do every map mod, boss, has decently fast clear, and is extremely cheap. There are several benefits to using mines with arc rather than self casting or with totems, some being the fact that they have a much higher dps output and you aren't stunning yourself while casting for nearly as long.

Main 6L Body

Lightning Spire Trap - Trap and Mine Damage - Lightning Penetration - Added Lightning - Controlled Destruction - Increased Critical Strikes

If you have a call of the brotherhood you can swap out added cold damage for added lightning or controlled destruction

If you have a 4L or 5l

4L Setup --> Minefield - Remote Mine - Inc Critical Strikes - Arc

5L Setup --> MineField - Remote Mine - Inc Critical Strikes - Arc - Added Cold


Arc - Minefield - Increased Critical Strikes - Added Cold Damage

If you don't have a place additional mine helm your 4L will be

Arc - Minefield - Remote Mine - Added Cold

If you have a call of the brotherhood you can swap out added cold damage for added lightning or controlled destruction

Movement Skill/How We Proc Arcane Surge (huge damage boost)

Arcane Surge Support + Faster Casting Support + Flame Dash

Quality of Life Gems

Smoke Mine + Detonate Mines + Spell Totem Support + Increased Duration Support

When you put this spell totem down it will detonate your mines instantly if there are enemies around, so you don't have to press detonate yourself.

Smoke mine gives us a huge movement speed bonus.

Aura Gems

Clarity + Wrath

Defensive Cast When Damage Taken Setup

Cast when Damage Taken Support + Immortal Call + Phase Run + Enfeeble

Don't level up any of these gems past 2!

Path of Building Link:

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[3.8] Lightning Trap Shadow Saboteur Starter Build

Do you like being able to delete entire screens while laughing maniacally at the quiet shattering of enemy corpses?

What about having infinite mana sustain and being nearly impossible to hit? or how about being able to clear all content on a low budget?

If you answered yes to any of these questions, then this build is for you!

Q: Why Lightning Trap instead of (insert other skill)?

Short answer: Because it's better and more fun.

Long answer: You can choose literally any skill with traps and it will perform admirably with this guide. If you want to play meta-arc, feel free. Just make sure to remove any projectile related skill nodes/gear bits/jewel stats and make them fit the skill you choose.

List of other skills you can use:

A: Literally any spell ingame. Ice Trap, Arc, Firestorm, Bladefall, Fire Trap, Explosive Trap, Ball

6 Link Lightning Trap

Lightning Trap, Cluster Trap, Trap and Mine Damage, Controlled Destruction, Pierce, Lightning Penetration

(controlled destruction doesn't mean you can't crit. if you use ele focus you can't shock/shatter. do not.)
For single target situations (like Uber Elder), you can swap in Slower Projectiles instead of Pierce.

If you want to use Arc, just take out Lightning Trap/Pierce and put in Arc/Trap Support.

4 Link Lightning Spire Trap

Lightning Spire Trap, Elemental Focus, Controlled Destruction, Lightning Penetration

3-5 Link Movement Skill

Shield Charge, Faster Attacks, Fortify, Culling Strike, Blood Magic

4 Link CWDT:

Cast when Damage Taken, Immortal Call, Enfeeble, Summon Lightning Golem

Keep an eye on the level of your CWDT. I prefer mine to go off when I take about 40% of my maximum life in damage. So if you had 6k life, set it to a level where it requires about 2k damage to proc. Level the other gems accordingly so they cast automatically.

Aura Setups

Wrath, Herald of Ice, Herald of Thunder

Support Skills

Bear Trap, Increased Duration, Portal

Alternate Defensive Setups

If you're feeling a bit squishy, swap out Herald of Ice/Herald of Thunder for an Enfeeble, Blasphemy setup. It will drop enemies damage in an area around you for added safety.

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Shadow Trickster

[3.8] PoE Essence Drain Trickster Fast Build

  • + Decent clear speed (gets better with heavier investment into pack size/monster count)
  • + Can be very effective on a budget
  • + Good survivability
  • + Dominates the league mechanic
  • + Runs all map mods
  • - Top end DPS is capped. DoT builds generally don't instant-pop end game bosses
  • - Two-spell combo of Contagion/ED feels awkward to people just used to just going zoom-zoom.

To make the build go, we stack Spell, Chaos, and Damage over Time to scale our damage. We also put a tremendous amount of effort into stacking increased AoE. The end result is a one-two punch that wipes out multiple screens at a time.

This version does NOT run Eldritch Battery. We don't spam spells, so we can reserve almost all of our mana without issue, leaving our ES to fully protect our life pool. Alternatively, we can use Essence Worm + MoM for a more defensive version. By not going EB, we also can proc Arcane Surge much easier.

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[3.8] Essence Drain & Contagion (or Bane/Soulrend) Trickster [SC/HC/Uber Elder/Shaper]

Is this build for you?

Cast When Dmg Taken Enfeeble Links Youtube

1. If you are looking for a build with insanely high exp/h gain.

2. A build that allows you to level as itself without any external abilities required.

3. If the build you seek can start with a very low budget with possible upgrades with more currency.

4. If you like to play a build that works wonders in low budget to accumulate enough currency fast for the higher budget version(s).

5. If you prefer a build guide that has a video linked to it.

Defence & Utility

The build utilizes Mind over Matter combined with Eldritch Battery which moves all your Energy Shield over your mana pool

Here is a link to a downloadable calculator for how much effective HP you'll have with Mind Over Matter: Mind Over Matter eHP Calculator

Passive Skill Gems

Essence Drain:

- Essence Drain, Controlled Destruction, Efficacy, Void Manipulation, Swift Affliction, Empower

Note: Before you can afford an Empower lvl 3+ you can use Decay!

Cast When Damage Taken:

Cast When Damage Taken, Immortal Call, Increased Duration

Note: The lvl of CWDT is suppose to be low, this comes down to a matter of taste, I prefer to keep it at lvl 3 with the Immortal Call at lvl 5, if it's higher it won't work. It also does not require Endurance Charges to function though the duration will be rather low without which is still enough to keep you from getting instantly killed by Porcupine packs that dies!


- Flame Dash

- Phase Run, Vaal Righteous Fire Increased Duration, Efficacy

Note: You only want to use the Vaal Righteous Fire, not the regular Righteous Fire!


- Malevolence, Discipline

Wither / Blight Totems:

This part is tricky, you either run a standard Wither setup like this:

- Spell Totem, Multiple Totems, Wither, Faster Casting

Or you run with the 'hindered' effect via Blight threshold jewel Spreading Rot, which requires 1 of those jewels and looks like this:

- Spell Totem, Multiple Totems, Blight, Faster Casting

Bane vs Contagion:

The choice between the 2 abilities comes down to personal preference, some enjoy to cast Essence Drain and spread it by having a Contagion cast before you use ED. However, I felt that the approach of using Bane was smoother, faster and honestly, better in all ways. A classic Contagion set would look like this:

- Contagion, Spell Cascade, Faster Casting, Increased Area of Effect

Whilst my preferred style is Bane like this:

- Bane, Despair, Efficacy, Controlled Destruction

The Bane approach makes you able to skip other sources of Despair cursing via things like Witchfire Brew Flask.

Path of Building Link links:

Cast When Dmg Taken Enfeeble Links Free

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[3.8] PoE Blight ED Trickster Build - Up to 10k eHP, Layered Defense, 3m DPS

The Essence Drain play style is a synergy between Essence Drain and Contagion, and after 3.0 we include Blight as well. Essence Drain is a projectile spell that applies a strong damage over time effect to the target. Contagion is an area of effect spell that deals weaker damage over time to targets. When a target affected by Contagion dies, both Essence Drain and Contagion DoT effects on that target are applied to nearby enemies. This means you first apply Contagion, then fire an Essence Drain into the enemies. When the first enemy dies, Essence Drain is spread to everything and your job is done.

For this guide, we will focus solely on the spell combination of Essence Drain and Blight as a Trickster utilizing Mind over Matter, evasion and spell dodge. The character is very well suited as a league starter and can deal with all content in the game with low to medium budget. This also means that it will perform sub-optimally against the very hardest of content in the game, but is still able to complete it all. The ED/Blight combo of spells utilizes the same bonuses from the passive tree.

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[3.8] PoE Toxic Rain Trickster Fast Mapping Build - Budget/SSF Uber Elder

About this build

  • + Can run every map mod
  • + Survivable with 7k+ EHP, 45k Ev, 50/75 Spell Dodge
  • + Great Damage
  • + Entry gear is very cheap

This is another standard Toxic Rain build with my own spin on things. The build is incredibly tanky, decent life pool, and has great damage and clear speed.

Build Mechanics

Toxic Rain: Toxic Rain shoots out a base 5 arrows (pods). Pods can stack, so area of effect is somewhat important. Attack speed is massively important in terms of DPS and enjoyment.


With flasks up, we sit at a comfortable 45k Evasion to cap our QOTF, and 50/75 dodge/spell dodge. This means we rarely get hit, and when we do, we proc Ghost Shroud.

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A dmg file extension is used for default disk image format in Mac OS X (macOS) that replaced the older IMG format. It is used much like ISO images on Windows platform.

There is one other file type using
the DMG file extension!

.dmg - Oracle binary format dump data

Software that open dmg file

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DMG file extension- Apple Mac disk image

What is dmg file? How to open dmg files?

File type specification:

dmg file icon:

The dmg file extension is associated with disk image files created for Mac OS X (macOS).

The DMG file format is used for mountable disk images, which can be opened (mounted) with the Finder a default file manager included in OS X (macOS).The dmg files can also be mounted in most popular emulation utilities.

The dmg file type is a replacement for the older IMG format used in Mac OS Classic and is not compatible with Mac OS 9 or earlier.


Apple DMG format is one of the most used format to install new applications to the Mac OS X (macOS).

By default, Apple Disk Image DMG file uses Universal Disk Image Format (UDIF) to store data, but it can use another file systems, like HFS, HFS+, FAT, UDF, or old New Disk Image Format (NDIF) compatible with Mac OS 9. This feature facilitates for example creation of hybrid optical media with multiple file systems for various platforms.

It can be protected by password (AES-128, or AES-256 encryption) as well as compressed by some compression formats (ADC, Zlib, bzip2).

DMG MIME type:

Updated: November 8, 2019

The default software associated to open dmg file:

Company or developer:
Igor Pavlov

A free file archiver developed by Igor Pavlov featuring higher compression ratios with LZMA and LZMA2 compression.

It is mainly available for Windows platform (for Mac and Linux are available command line tools) and is the primary program to handle 7z archives. However, also supports various compression file formats.

Supported formats:

Packing / unpacking: 7z, XZ, BZIP2, GZIP, TAR, ZIP and WIM


Company or developer:
CrystalIdea Software Inc.

AnyToISO is disk image converting tool. It is able to extract and convert variety of popular disk image formats, such as NRG, MDF, UIF, DMG, BIN, DAA to ISO disk image format. It is available in ten languages.

Company or developer:
Apple, Inc.

A disk utility distributed with Mac OS X / macOS operating system, Apple Disk Utility offers tool for configuration and format of new disk partitions, mount disk images, create, burn, or convert disk images.

Company or developer:
Apple, Inc.

Finder is the native file management utility in macOS (OS X) operating system. With Finder you can browse your computer directory structure, search files, work with files, do basic file/folder operations (copy, paste, remove, delete, rename etc.), mount disk images, connect to other computers on network, burn files etc.

Company or developer:
Apple, Inc.

macOS is Unix-based desktop operating system, a successor of Mac OS X system for MacBook-family, iMac, Mac Mini and Mac Pro computers, developed and sold by Apple, Inc.

Company or developer:
Apple, Inc.

OS X or Mac OS X is Unix-based operating system developed by Apple Inc. for Macintosh computers. It contains basic core applications for everyday use, such as Finder basic file manager, Safari for Internet browsing, QuickTime for video, iTunes for managing audio data and iPod, iOS devices management , iMessage instant messaging, Mail, Contacts, Calendar and many more.

The latest version 10.11 of OS X is called El Capitan. It is available to purchase on Mac App Store as well as is distributed with new Mac computers and notebooks. It includes features to improve the security, performance, design and usability.

OS X operating system was replaced by new macOS in 2016!

Company or developer:
Kelley Computing

FreeDMG is utility used to create Apple DMG disk images. With this software it is possible to quickly perform disk imaging on the fly. Both the program's window, and the dock icon can be used for drag-and-drop imaging.

Related articles:

Help how to open:

On Mac you can open/mount DMG images in all related programs, because it' native Mac format.
Apple Disk Images are also open-able in various apps in Microsoft Windows, like 7-zip, PeaZip, DMGExtractor, etc., but apps (*.app files) stored in them cannot be run, because they are written for OS X (macOS) system. Documents, pictures, videos and multimedia files can be opened in compatible Windows apps.

How to convert:

You can use ISOBuster for a conversion .dmg disk images to another disk image file format like NRG Nero disk image format or ISO disk image format.
You can use PeaZip to a conversion of DMG format to another archive file format. PeaZip also supports extraction of DMG format. Extracted files can be compressed in to another archive file format, that PeaZip supports (7Z, ARC, BZ2, GZ, PAQ/ZPAQ, PEA, QUAD/BALZ, TAR, UPX, ZIP).

Find conversions from dmg file:

Find converter to dmg file type:

File identification strings:

HEX code: 78
ASCII code: x

List of software applications associated to the .dmg file extension

Recommended software programs are sorted by OS platform (Windows, macOS, Linux, iOS, Android etc.)
and possible program actions that can be done with the file: like open dmg file, edit dmg file, convert dmg file, view dmg file, play dmg file etc. (if exist software for corresponding action in's database).

Click on the tab below to simply browse between the application actions, to quickly get a list of recommended software, which is able to perform the specified software action, such as opening, editing or converting dmg files.

Software that open dmg file - Apple Mac disk image

Programs supporting the exension dmg on the main platforms Windows, Mac, Linux or mobile. Click on the link to get more information about listed programs for open dmg file action.

Microsoft Windows:

Main software associated with dmg file by default:
Other suggested software:

Apple macOS / Mac OS X:

Main software associated with dmg file by default:
Apple Disk Utility
Apple Finder
Other suggested software:
DAEMON Tools for Mac

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