Champs With Passive On Hit Dmg


Champs With Passive On Hit Dmg Youtube

Looking at the deathrecap i see a fuckin ridicolous amount of 424 Dmg taken by his passive. (since Darius' rework this is no longer magic dmg) On the screenshot it shows my 71 armor, which got reduced to 50 armor by his black cleaver. This means 33.3% reduced normal damage. Like yes AD champs will do tons of dmg but as an ad carry you cant do 1 attack dealing ALL the dmg, also with that gear i said you do around 200 dmg each 'normal' hit aswell on towers. Comment below rating threshold, click here to show it.

im talking about sett of course but how can a full tank kill a full hp assasin and his r can do half my hp nice job riot youve mad something more broken than aphoils and akali nice very good choice makin a tank scale with hp dmg with his passive doing more dmg the second hit and the ult does like 250 and its aeo with wave clear as well i would say that its broken how bout a nerf but your probably just gonna nerf it a liittle and then the 'mains' say its guttet and still 1v9 it anyway just nerf every abilty and base dmg and movement speed and then it will be fine


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