Double Curse Cast When Dmg Taken

What is DMG?

Dimethylglycine is a highly unusual supplement, in that it is extremely popular despite the fact that all of its touted effects have largely been refuted by clinical and laboratory testing. It is most widely used as a performance enhancer by athletes, and in dogs and horses that are bred for racing purposes. Specifically, DMG is thought to be able to reduce lactic acid build up that might otherwise contribute to muscle fatigue. There is no immediately obvious reason why DMG should be able to achieve this, given its role in the body as a metabolite of betaine and a source of glycine. Reports of an ability of DMG to enhance athletic performance first appeared in the popular literature in the 1980's. Controlled studies involving treadmill horses, male athletes, and patients prone to lactic acid build up due to a cytochrome oxidase deficiency fail to support these earlier claims. Other common uses of DMG which have been refuted by clinical research include the treatment of autism and idiopathic epilepsy.

Having two CwDT means they will not proc together most of the time so you can run more copies of the same spell. You can think of it as every linked spell getting a separate counter, low level CwDT will give one immortal call a 400 damage counter and the other will get a 500 damage one, so, as long as one hit doesn't happen to trigger both of them you will see both gems procing. Explain the double curse of the incompetent: The skills used to produce logical arguments are the same skills necessary to recognize when a logical argument has been made. If people lack skills to produce right answers they're also cursed w/ an inability to know when answers are right or wrong. What is the incompetence paradox? THe best Cast on damage Taken skills? Hey there, my build still has a couple of skills open, i've been experementing and i stumpled upon the question: what is the best cast on damage taken 4 link setup? OCCULT. Shadow curse - amplifies all dmg taken by enemies. Aether slow. Sacred weaken - attenuates enemy dmg So if your gear or passive has +% Material dmg that is a global modifier that affects all physical, rend and toxic dmg of that type since there is no specific affix indicating it's for spell or attack.

'...all of its touted effects have largely been refuted by clinical and laboratory testing.'

DMG is also touted as an immune stimulant, although it has no role in the body that could directly account for this effect. A double blind study in the early 1980's showed increased immune function (both humoral and cell-mediated) in humans following supplementation with DMG. Another study suggested this increased immune response could translate into a protective effect against cancer. A comprehensive study in 1992 failed to demonstrate any immune enhancing properties of DMG in cats.

The red cloud will turn into a giant worm with a must-interrupt spell called Death Bolt. They spam cast it. You brought good interrupts though, right? Have your interrupters roaring to go against the double defiler pack. Withering curse must be interrupted. Key Interrupt: Withering Curse (Bloodsworn Defiler, +dmg taken, -dmg done). Manage and install your add-ons all in one place with our desktop app. Possible bug with curses linked to both Cast When Damage Taken and a spell with Curse on Hit? I made a link for myself which had Cast When Damage Taken + Tempest Shield + Curse on Hit + Warlord's Mark.

What is the function of DMG?

DMG is a metabolite of betaine, which is used to help promote the production of methionine from homocysteine. Abnormal homocysteine levels are associated with autism and with coronary artery disease, but DMG does not stimulate reactions that reduce homocysteine, but is a by-product of them. DMG may also eventually be converted into two very vital compounds, phosphatidylserine and glutathione, but a direct effect has not been demonstrated. Indeed, in one study, DMG supplementation actually reduced glutathione levels.

'DMG does appear to function as an antioxidant, and has been shown to have a protective effect against gastric ulceration.'

DMG does appear to function as an antioxidant, and has been shown to have a protective effect against gastric ulceration.

Why recommend the administration of DMG to my pet?

Despite the lack of supportive research, DMG is used to enhance athletic performance in dogs and horses. It may also function as an antioxidant, and be of some benefit in reducing inflammation. DMG may also be recommended for the treatment of immune deficiency disorders, cancer, epilepsy and cognitive disorders, although research support for these uses is lacking.

How much experience is there with the use of DMG in pets?

DMG has been used for over 20 years in humans, racing dogs and horses. While not necessarily clinically effective, DMG is at least extremely well tolerated and very safe, which is not surprising given that it is a metabolite already present in the body. No toxicity has been reported to DMG supplementation. It is important to note that practitioners who use DMG are convinced of its efficacy, and report positive clinical outcomes, despite the lack of research support.

Where do I get DMG and do I need a prescription?

Pet owners are cautioned against buying supplements without knowledge of the manufacturer, as supplements are not highly regulated and some supplements may not contain the labelled amount of ingredients. Your veterinarian may have preferred supplements that he or she will recommend. A prescription is not needed for DMG.

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'The Ancestors speak through your clenched fists'

The Chieftain is focused around fire damage with attacks and totems. He can greatly enhance the utility of his totems, making them more resilient, taunting enemies they hit, and weakening nearby enemies, or boost his own fire damage with physical-to-fire damage conversion.

This build very cheap to get going. And even with brigthbeak nerf it should be very fast clearer. Its tankier than elementalist but it can't kill the whole screen with inpulsas.

Quick Jump

Pros & Cons


  • + Tanky (lots of regen, life leech and dmg mitigation)
  • + Fast
  • + Cheap
  • + Can clear all content
  • + SSF Possible
  • + MF Possible (no uniques required)


  • - Blade Vortex Meta
  • - You are always close to stuff you kill
  • - doesnt freeze or explode stuff
  • - can't run ele reflect without anti reflect rings
  • - no regen maps also hard

Skill Tree


Ngamahu -> Hinekora -> Tawhoa -> Ramako


Oak for 20% dmg 1% regen (1.5% with Arakaali proc) and phys mitigation.


  • Major: Soul Of Arakaali
  • Minor: Ryslatha for early game and lab/shaper/elder and Shakari for maps because poison immunity lets you run that nasty poison on hit maps.

Passive Tree (Mapping setup lvl 95)

Gems Setup

Main: Blade Vortex-Controlled Destruction-Elemental Focus-Added Fire-Spell Echo-Combustion

Replace Spell Echo with Concentrated Effect and added Fire with Fire Penetration for guardian and shaper fights

Double Curse Cast When Dmg Taken

Movement: in gloves with faster attacks link: Shield charge, Fortify, curse on hit flammability

CWDT: CastWhenDamageTaken-Immortal Call-Blood rage

Single Target Support: Orb of storms-arcane surge-combustion

Keep an eye out on arcane surge lvl so it matches the mana cost of orb of storms. Cast this on bosses and every 8 seconds to refresh your arcane surge. For orb of storms lvl 20 its arcane surge lvl 7

Auras: Herald of Ash, Clarity (lvl 12 should be enough if you use spell echo)

Curse Support Blasphemy-Enfeeble (defensive) or Blasphemy+ ele weakness (offensive)


Uber Elder Gear With MoM Version

  • Weapon: Opal Sceptre
  • Shields: Titanium Spirit Shield
  • Chest: Loreweave
  • Gloves: Titan Gauntlets
  • Rings and Amulet and Belt: Loath Coil Opal Ring, Entropy Turn Opal Ring, Citrine Amulet, Stygian Vise
  • Boots: Kaom's Roots
  • Flasks: Chemist Sulphur Flask of Adrenaline, The Wise Oak, Alchemist's Quartz Flask of Adrenaline, Lavianga's Spirit, Saturated Eternal Life Flask of Staunching

Without MoM Version

  • Weapon: You can use any melee weapon here. If you want speed brightbeak is still bis otherwise get a shaper scepter with added physical as fire and spell/ele dmg
  • Shields: Go for life(elemental/spell dmg/cast speed
  • Gloves: Roll or buy a pair of elder gloves with faster attack support to run shield charge with curse on hit.
  • Rings and Amulet: Anything with life, resi, elemental or fire dmg. Cast speed is not bad either.
    Amu is a good place to get the missing dex.
  • Belt: Biscos for the quantity and the rampage is so good for speed clearing. For bossing use either an stygian or elder belt with life covery.
  • Boots: Anything with movement speed life and resi. If you get elder boots with fortify and movement speed, then you can put your shield charge combo in here.
  • Flasks: Chemist Sulphur Flask of Warding, The Wise Oak, Alchemist's Quartz Flask of Adrenaline, Lavianga's Spirit


You can level with a melee skill until normal lab. You can try smite and link it to ancestral call and added fire or whatever you like (its only for the first 4 hours anyways)

To level with melee pick up the melee nodes in marauder grab Versatility and after that go to duelist area until life of the gladiator. Grab some weapon dmg nodes if your missing dmg. Then progress to the scion life wheel and up until elemental overload. (I posted a pob tree bellow)
On finishing library quest, get blade vortex, controlled destruction, elemental focus, blasphemy and flammability. Put them in your off hand to lvl.

Lvl with melee until you get to belly of the beast 1. get your spell echo and link it with blade vortex controlled destruction and ele focus and your good to go. After you get your gems ready respec your melee nodes to get the life nodes and avatar of fire.

You can also grab Diamond Skin if you run into resist problems or grab versatility and Precision if you run into dex problems. They also give you lots of attack speed to go faster

Blood Rage/CWDT IC and Soul of Arakaali interaction

We have blood rage and cast when damage taken immortal call, so everytime ic procs we stop taking dmg over time and get 50% incr recovery rate, thats an insane regen and leech boost we get, right when we need it. It also works for the flask. 30% less shock effect and duration and 25% chaos dot res is also not bad.

Double Curse

Double Curse Cast When Dmg Taken

When you start doing elder maps lookout for gloves. If you find a pair of elder gloves roll it with alts until you get the faster attack support. In trade league its probl easier to buy a pair. Now you can respec into double curse and run enfeeble on blasphemy and support your shield charge with curse on hit and flammability

Lab Enchants

If your in trade league you can try to get a helmet (pref starkonjas) with blade vortex enchant (you dont need the crit one).

For Boots enchant you have many options depending on your preference

  • AttackAndCastSpeedOnKill for clear speed
  • EnchantmentAddedFireDamageOnKill3 for more dmg in mapping
  • EnchantmentElementalPenetrationWhileHaventKilled3 more dmg for shaper/uber elder
  • EnchantmentLifeAndManaLeechOnKill3 for more sustain during mapping
  • EnchantmentLifeAndManaRegenerationWhenHit3_ for more sustain during bossing

Expectations & POB

POB link

  • Mapping setup lvl 95:
  • Uber elder MoM setup lvl 100:

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  • Download Path of Building (link:
  • Copy pastebin URL.
  • Launch path of building.
  • Click on Import/Export.
  • Click Import from Pastebin
  • Paste the URL copied in step 2.
  • Done!

POE 3.5 Duelist Slayer Starter Freezing Cyclone Build (PC,XBOX,PS4)- Fast Clear Speed, Low Budget, Endgame

Cyclone is an skill that initiates a spinning series of attacks as the player travels to a target location. After looking at all the different options and passives easily gotten on routes I wanted to take, I settled on cold damage. The idea of Cycloning through a pack and watching them shatter to dust as I passed sounded pretty fun so I started building upon that idea.


POE 3.5 Shadow Trickster Starter Caustic Arrow Build (PC,XBOX,PS4)- High Clear Speed, Cheap, Amazing

This build that you can start playing as from the get go and really shines with some investment. If you just like run around as stuff dies, it's maybe suitable for you.

Double Curse Cast When Dmg Taken

POE 3.5 Ranger Pathfinder Starter Blade Flurry Build (PC,XBOX,PS4)- Fast Speed, Cheap, High Damage

This build uses Blade Flurry as the main skill. It's still fine for clearspeed. It's not your clear 2 screens with one massive projectile skill clearspeed, but with enough attack speed you can just WB>hold for half a second and move on.


POE 3.5 Shadow Assassin Molten Strike Build (PC,XBOX,PS4)- Fast Life Recovery, Cheap, Tankly

This is a poison build that used to clear Shaper/Elder and all of their Guardians on a budget (see gear section). Uber Elder is also possible, though requires better gear.


POE 3.4 Ranger Build - Deadeye | Raider | Pathfinder

Double Curse Cast When Dmg Taken Back

Ranger is a very popular class in Path of Exile. The following summarizes some of the most popular Ranger builds, these builds can be found on our website, I hope you have something you like!


POE 3.5 Shadow Assassin Starter Rain of Arrows Build (PC,XBOX,PS4)- High Clear Speed, Cheap, All Map Mods

Double Curse Cast When Dmg Taken Season

This build choose Rain of Arrows to get good aoe. Rain of Arrows is a ranged attack skill that fires a number of arrows in the air, with each of them landing to deal area of effect over a short period of time. And players don’t need too high a budget to get a good start in the league , more importantly£¬it's end game viable.

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Double Curse Cast When Dmg Taken Movie

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