Highest Dmg Achieveable In Diablo 3

Season 18 just started in Diablo 3, but you’re probably already rushing your way towards level 70 or beyond. After all, some folks blazed to Paragon 300+ the first day of Season 17… but most of us aren’t quite so fast. But eventually we all get there, and then the question becomes what now?

  1. Highest Dmg Achieveable In Diablo 3 Release
  2. Highest Dmg Achievable In Diablo 3 2
  3. Highest Dmg Achievable In Diablo 3 Release

We’ve talked about Adventure Mode before, of course. You can keep playing Diablo 3 indefinitely by doing Bounties, which are very similar to what we’d call World Quests and Emissaries in World of Warcraft. And there are Nephalem Rifts and Greater Rifts waiting for you, with as high or as low a difficulty level as you want.

But that’s the problem we’re going to talk about this time. How do you know what difficulty level you’re ready for? When you’re a fresh level 70, you can’t just jump into Torment XIII and kill your way to loot — you’re wearing mostly yellow gear if you’re lucky and you will explode like a bottle of cola after someone threw in some Mentos and shook it up in a paint mixer if you tried it. So how do you know when you’re ready to step it up? And what level should you step it up to?

What are Torment levels?

Originally, Diablo 3 had Normal, Nightmare, Hell and Inferno difficulties, but players generally felt like it was too difficult to fine tune the difficulty and it felt either too easy or too difficult once you’d jumped a difficulty level. When Reaper of Souls came out, it refined and redesigned the difficulty system to the current one, where the game starts at Normal then scales up to Hard, Expert, Master and then reaches the Torment difficulty, which scales from Torment 1 to Torment XVI as of Season 17 and Patch 2.6.5. Each level of Torment increases the experience gain and gold/loot that drops. Torment XVI (or Torment 16, which is what I’m gonna call it from now on because we’re not actually in ancient Rome) has a 7000% gold bonus and a 17,000% XP bonus, and of course comes with a commensurate increase in difficulty. Also, not only are there new legendaries that only drop on Torment 1 or above, but the chance of said legendaries dropping is buffed by each subsequent Torment level.

How to choose the Diablo 3 class that's right for you. I've lost hours thinking it over: which class should I play in Diablo 3? Last weekend, after weeks of travel and a turbulent eleven-hour. Now that's fine and all, but since we hardly concern ourselves with footraces in the game, how on Earth is this relevant in Diablo 3? Well, as it turns out, we have quite a few cases of things where we really should average harmonically, and defaulting to arithmetic means causes us to seriously overestimate it. This is how Critical Strikes contribute to your average damage. Imagine you have 50% Crit Chance and 200% Crit Damage. That means half your strikes are doing normal damage and half are doing 3 times its damage. So if your base damage is 100 and you attack twice you should on average get one normal attack for 100 damage and one critical for 300. Full list of all 45 Diablo III achievements worth 1,000 gamerscore. It takes around 60-80 hours to unlock all of the achievements on Xbox 360. May 22, 2019 You can keep playing Diablo 3 indefinitely by doing Bounties, which are very similar to what we’d call World Quests and Emissaries in World of Warcraft. And there are Nephalem Rifts and Greater Rifts waiting for you, with as high or as low a difficulty level as you want. Maximizing Damage. Maximizing Damage. A bit of background about me. I've always enjoyed diablo 3 since release, and a lot more so after the release of RoS. I've always been a pretty casual player who only plays the game in small spurts every few months or so. Sheet dmg isn't.

The official site has a complete breakdown of each difficulty level. But in case you don’t want to go click a link, here it is.

Originally Posted by Blizzard Entertainment (Blue Tracker / Official Post)


  • Normal: 100% Health, 100% Damage, 0% extra gold bonus, 0% extra XP bonus
  • Hard: 200% Health, 130% Damage, 75% extra gold bonus, 75% extra XP bonus
  • Expert: 320% Health, 189% Damage, 100% extra gold bonus, 100% extra XP bonus
  • Master: 512% Health, 273% Damage, 200% extra gold bonus, 200% extra XP bonus
  • Torment I: 819% Health, 396% Damage, 300% extra gold bonus, 300% extra XP bonus
  • Torment II: 1311% Health, 575% Damage, 400% extra gold bonus, 400% extra XP bonus
  • Torment III: 2097% Health, 833% Damage, 550% extra gold bonus, 550% extra XP bonus
  • Torment IV: 3355% Health, 1208% Damage, 800% extra gold bonus, 800% extra XP bonus
  • Torment V: 5369% Health, 1752% Damage, 1150% extra gold bonus, 1150% extra XP bonus
  • Torment VI: 8590% Health, 2540% Damage, 1600% extra gold bonus, 1600% extra XP bonus
  • Torment VII: 18985% Health, 3604% Damage, 1850% extra gold bonus, 1900% extra XP bonus
  • Torment VIII: 41625% Health, 5097% Damage, 2150% extra gold bonus, 2425% extra XP bonus
  • Torment IX: 91260% Health, 7208% Damage, 2500% extra gold bonus, 3100% extra XP bonus
  • Torment X: 200082% Health, 10194% Damage, 2900% extra gold bonus, 4000% extra XP bonus
  • Torment XI: 438669% Health, 14416% Damage, 3350% extra gold bonus, 5000% extra XP bonus
  • Torment XII: 961759% Health, 20387% Damage, 3900% extra gold bonus, 6400% extra XP bonus
  • Torment XIII: 2108607% Health, 28832% Damage, 4500% extra gold bonus, 8200% extra XP bonus
  • Torment XIV: 2889383% Health, 40774% Damage, 5200% extra gold bonus, 10500% extra XP bonus
  • Torment XV: 6334823% Health, 57664% Damage, 6050% extra gold bonus, 13400% extra XP bonus
  • Torment XVI: 13888770% Health, 64725% Damage, 7000% extra gold bonus, 17000% extra XP bonus


  • Easy
  • Normal
  • Hard
  • Master I: +60% Gold Find, +60% Magic Find, +120% Experience
  • Master II: +70% Gold Find, +70% Magic Find, +140% Experience
  • Master III: +80% Gold Find, +80% Magic Find, +160% Experience
  • Master IV: +90% Gold Find, +90% Magic Find, +180% Experience
  • Master V: +100% Gold Find, +100% Magic Find, +200% Experience

Ultimate Evil Edition for PlayStation®3 and Xbox 360 have difficulties Normal through Torment VI, while Playstation®4 and Xbox One include up to Torment XVI.

So by now, looking at that chart, you’re likely painfully aware that you’re not going to rock up to Torment 16 in your Hey, I just dinged 70 gear, in much the same way that you’re not going to be tearing through Greater Rift 90. But how will you know what Torment level you are ready for? Well, chances are you’re ready for a higher level than you might think. In fact, you may well have been ready for Torment 1 through 3 before you even hit level 70, even on a Seasonal playthrough where you don’t have access to the gold and equipment you normally would have.

Highest dmg achievable in diablo 3 release

Finding your way through trial and error

The easiest way to find your level in Diablo 3 is to simply try. I could sit here and tell you how to decide if the Damage, Toughness and Recovery on your character sheet translate to you being able to handle a specific Torment level or if your set bonus (like the simply amazing Might of the Earth set giving my Seismic Slam 20,000% more damage) means you can jump up a few Torment levels but ultimately, the easiest and best way to find out if you can do a Torment level or a Greater Rift difficulty is simply to get in there.

Assuming you’re not playing Hardcore — if you are dying means your character is gone forever — otherwise dying a few times simply isn’t a big deal in Diablo 3. It’s the best way to learn what your current build’s strengths and weaknesses are and where your gear falls short of where you want to be for that difficulty.

Highest Dmg Achieveable In Diablo 3 Release

I mean, sure, I hate dying in a video game. But that moment of panic when you’re about to die? That can teach you a lot about how to use your abilities and give you some insight into where you need to change your build up. Since we’re in the thick of Season 17, let me advise you to keep the following in mind:

  • LegendariesAs you get more of these, start jumping up the difficulty. A rule of thumb I like to use is, for every 2 legendaries you replace other gear with, bump the difficulty up one. So if you’re on Master and you get two legendary items that you equip, go up to Torment 1.
  • Haedrig’s Gift —Every time you get another two pieces of your set from Haedrig’s Gift, go up a Torment level. By the time you complete your Haedrig’s Gift set, you should be at Torment V or VI at the least, especially because in order to complete the set you’ll have to do a Greater Rift solo at level 20 and kill the four Keywardens and Gnomb and Zoltan Kulle at Torment IV to even get the full set.
  • WeaponUpgrade — As soon as you replace a weapon with a better one, like going from Rare to Legendary, try and bump up the difficulty by 1. You get an Ancient Legendary, replacing the Legendary you already had? Bump it up. You can always drop back down if you feel outmatched.
  • Paragon Levels —I personally feel like every time you go up ten Paragon levels you should at least try to jump up a Torment level. It doesn’t always work, but you’ve always got the option.
  • You’re stomping everything —If you’re just crushing every single mob into a fine paste? If bosses die the second they show up and you waltz through your Bounties? Definitely go up at least one Torment level and see if it makes much of a difference.

Always remember, you can drop the difficulty if it’s too much, so don’t be afraid to experiment. You may find out you aren’t ready for a Torment level, but if you do, dropping it down is simple and you’ll be back to smashing waves of demons before you know it. Above all else, don’t be afraid of the Torment system, it’s here to help the game stay fun and provide a challenge. Embrace and explore it. It’s fun to work your way up to slaughtering everything.

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Find out what are the best Diablo 3 builds in the current Season

We are presenting the complete list of all our Diablo 3 builds. We are currently updating all the builds for Patch 2.6.4 (and Season 16). While not much has changed in the builds themselves, with the addition of Ring of Royal Grandeur in Season 16, you can use additional items in the majority of popular builds.

All the builds are updated for Patch 2.6.1 and will be upgraded over the course of the current Season. We are trying to pick out the best builds for the on-going Seasons and include them on our list. All of our builds will be updated regularly after every Patch unless specific sets become obsolete, and then the build will be described as outdated.

We try to make well-balanced builds, by keeping both defenses and offenses on an adequate level. That way, our builds will provide the most satisfying gaming experience.

Odealo is a secure trading platform for MMO players. Diablo 3 is one of the supported games in which you can buy Multiboxing, Power Leveling,and Boosting services.

Barbarian Builds

  1. [2.6.4]Raekor's Hammer of the Ancients build - the best Barbarian build at the moment. It is slightly better than Charge Barb when you have similar gear and Paragon, and we believe it also makes it easier to sustain high DPS with this builds mechanics
  2. [2.6.4]Immortal King's Hammer of the Ancients build - solid Barbarian build, based on the Immortal King's set and Istvan's Paired Blades for their insane Attack Speed bonuses. This build is GR110+ viable
  3. [2.6.1]Earthquake 'Leapquake' build - another interesting Barbarian build. It's several GR levels behind the HotA build, but may appeal to players preferring a different playstyle

Crusader Builds

  1. [2.6.4]Roland's Legacy Sweek Attack build - tied for the first place for the Best Crusader build in Season 16 and Patch 2.6.4 Based on Roland's Legacy set and the amazing attack speed and damage reduction bonuses granted by the Sweep Attack skill
  2. [2.6.4]Akkhan Condemn build - the best Diablo 3 build in Patch 2.6.1. and onward. Currently, it's tied for the Top Tier Crusader build with Sweep Roland build
  3. [2.6.4]Holy Hammerdin build - Seeker of the Light Set has received a considreable boost in Patch 2.6.4 and it currently is in the Top Tier builds for the Crusader class
  4. [2.6.1]Thorns Invoker builds - it's pretty much the weakest Crusader set, but still, we found a place for this build on our list. It's because this build provides utterly different gameplay mechanics, rely on a different set of stats than any other Diablo 3 build

Demon Hunter Builds

  1. [2.6.4]Shadow Impale build - Top Tier Demon Hunter build. In terms of high GR pushing there are indeed better builds out there, but this one provides great mobility, and extreme single-target DPS
  2. [2.6.4]Unhallowed Essence Multishot - one of the most satisfying Demon Hunter builds. It provides perfect mobility, AoE damage and has high GR pushing capability with the recent changes introduced in Patch 2.6.4

Monk Builds

  1. [2.6.4]Inna's Mantra WoL build - the best build for Season 16 and Patch 2.6.4 in terms of high GR pushing for the Monk class
  2. [2.6.4]Sunwuko Wave of Light build - very solid build for Greater Rifts. It's in the Top 5 builds for the Monk class
  3. [2.6.4]Sunwuko WoL speed-farming variation - solid Monk build for clearing regular Rifts and doing Bounties. It provides good mobility and great AoE damage for increased clear speed

Necromancer Builds

  1. [2.6.4]Pestilence Corpse Lancer - the best Necromancer build as of Patch 2.6.1 and still remains one in 2.6.4 and Season 16
  2. [2.6.4]Rathma Singularity Skeletal Mages build - the second most powerful Necromancer Set in Patch 2.6.4. It also offers a unique Minion playstyle
  3. [2.6.1]Trag'Oul's Blood Lancer - very similar in terms of playstyle to the Pestilence build above. It is slightly less powerful as of Patch 2.6.1 and the buffs to Pestilence set
  4. [2.6.1]Inarius Corpse Explosion build - even though Inarius Grace is the weakest Necromancer set, this build is worth mentioning here. It is still delightful to play, and it is one of the most suitable Necro builds for speed-farming lower tier content

Outdated guides:

  1. Inarius Corpse Lance build - the best Necromancer build before the nerfs to Miranae's proc coefficiency
  2. Rise of the Necromancer PTR builds preview - a preview of Necromancer before the official launch of the expansion

Witch Doctor Builds

  1. [2.6.4]Jade Harvester - the best Witch Doctor build for Patch 2.6.4 and Season 16. The DPS is simply terrific making it one of the best builds in Diablo 3
  2. [2.6.4]Arachyr Firebats build - the second most powerful WD build in Season 16. It is most suited for solo GR pushing
  3. [2.6.1]Helltooth Gargantuan build- the best Witch Doctor's Pet build out there. It is at the same time one of the best Witch Doctor builds in general, with Gargantuan's outrageous damage

Wizard Builds

  1. [2.6.4]Tal Rasha's Star Pact Meteor build - the best Wizard build for Patch 2.6.4 with a very smooth transition to speed farming build for Bounties and GR Keys farming
  2. [2.6.4]Firebird's Finery Channeling Meteor build - a very solid Wizard build, however, with the changes to other classes this variation is no longer a Top Tier for the Wizard class
  3. [2.6.1]Tal Rasha's Meteor build - another powerful Meteor build, which provides much better mobility, and is much more suitable for lower-tier content farming

All Legendary and Set items can be quickly obtained through Item Farming and Multiboxing services which are offered on Odealo.com's Diablo 3 market.

Highest Dmg Achievable In Diablo 3 2

If you have any suggestions on which builds should be added to our list you are more than welcome to leave a comment below.

Highest Dmg Achievable In Diablo 3 Release

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