Huong Dan Dinh Dang Mac Os X 10.9 Qua Dmg

Adobe DNG Converter is a free utility that converts files from more than 75 cameras to Digital Negative (DNG), enables you to easily convert camera-specific RAW files to a more universal DNG RAW file. Visit the Camera RAW page for a complete list of supported cameras. Dragon dictate now works with OS X Yosemite 10.10 dragon, dragon, speech recognition, Yosemite Add comments The first three weeks of Yosemite has been painful because Dragon Dictate has not been working properly. OS X Mavericks (version 10.9) is the tenth major release of OS X (since June 2016 rebranded as macOS), Apple Inc.' S desktop and server operating system for Macintosh computers. OS X Mavericks was announced on June 10, 2013, at WWDC 2013, and was released on October 22, 2013 worldwide. The update emphasized battery life, Finder improvements, other improvements for power users,. 在OS X 10.x系列中,许多人认为10.9将成为OS X和iOS完全整合之前的最后一个版本。这个是否能够实现以后我们便会知道。但可以确定的一点是,即使OS X经过了9个版本之后,苹果在电脑方面的创新还是会继续。 Mac OS X 'Cheetah' (10.0). Jan 21, 2016  I have tried the fix that includes writing CodeSignature & MASReceipt to all of the different copies of INSTALL OS X that I have including the one most recently downloaded from Apple App Store. I still am getting selected mac OS X installer is incomplete.

The first three weeks of Yosemite has been painful because Dragon Dictate has not been working properly. It would not read my old profiles and would not let me train a new one without crashing. I rely fairly heavily on Dragon Dictate to do most of my writing/typing so this was a bit of a dud. I was going to write a post on a workaround for this problem, but Nuance released an update today – version 4.0.6 – which fixes the problems. Training is working again and Dragon Dictate has stopped crashing.

Nuance should have had this all worked out before Yosemite was released, but at least we are back in business now.

STOP PRESS: Click here for review of newer ‘Dragon for Mac’ (released Septmeber 2015.)

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Thanks. I will now install my early version of DD 4.0 and update and as you say , back in business.

ReplyAlexsays:January 21, 2015 at 11:52 am

Even with the 4.0.6 update when I dictate into Word 2011 for mac, Word crashes. It does not crash when typing w/o DD4.0.6.

Any thoughts?

ReplyPatsays:January 22, 2015 at 5:30 pm

apple stated it could be fixed by reinstalling MS Word. They wanted to charge $149. My crashes also, it did not do this until Yosemite.

ReplyMalcolmsays:February 7, 2015 at 12:21 am

Hi Wayne,

Will version of 3.04 of Dragon Dictate work ok on Yosemite?

ReplyRobert Hughessays:April 20, 2015 at 4:09 am

I have been using DD for a very long time on a PC and I am new to Mac. I have terrible problems using DD in Yosemite 10.10.3 on an iMac 5k. When I ask it to select text it does not select the correct text. It changes the wrong text after correcting any misrecognised text and it jumps about the page for no apparent reason. It does not recognise the Dragon usb microphone and often will not open my two profiles and I have to add a new one and go through the setup dictation again. It is better with the note pad than with iPages. I do not have word for Mac. Any suggestions? I typed this – it is quicker!

ReplyWaynesays:April 21, 2015 at 4:21 am

“When I ask it to select text it does not select the correct text.”
I find that problem too, so I don’t use the select ‘blah’ command as I don’t find it that reliable. Yes it does seems better in the Dragon notepad app.

Strange with not recognising the microphone or the profiles. I’ve never had that problem. TI won’t open a profile without the correct mic plugged in for ht at profile, so they might be related. Is the mic direct into the iMac (no hub)?


Huong Dan Dinh Dang Mac Os X 10.9 Qua Dmg 1


Mac Os X Versions

May 11, 2015 at 3:53 pm

Basically the same problem as Robert as to recognition of the microphone, mine a plantronics usb bluetooth sold to me by Nuance. It seems to recognize it and says it is hooked up, but when you start to try to actually dictate it says it is not hooked up. I have tried about everything that I can think of. I have used Dragon with Windows since it first came out – every update. Bought a Mac and got version 3. They updated to 4 before I really used Ver 3. Charged full price for Ver. 4. If somebody can tell me a software program that actually works, please do and I will dump Nuance after all these years.

ReplyCastoragsays:July 29, 2015 at 12:24 pm

Bob, I am so with you.
I have just bought the 4.0.6 (because they won’t upgrade my old 3. x) because I upgraded to OS 10.10.4. This has been a pretty terrible experience.
I had to leave behind my huge lovingly-curated vocabulary list because there doesn’t seem to be any way to port it over from 3.x. (If anybody knows of one, PLEASE tell me.)
This version also seems to be markedly more stupid about learning new vocabulary– whenever I give it a new word (that the old version used to know) it takes forever to “update the profile,” meaning I have to stop dead for a few minutes every time I find a new word that I have to teach it…and it doesn’t even learn very well. I can’t tell you how depressing this is.
I have been trying all afternoon to dictate info from medical records into a Pages table, something I used to be able to do routinely. Now for no apparent reason, after several pages of routine entries, the cursor will stop, start jumping around, and erase my last several rows of entries. I can command-Z to get them back, but it’s extremely unnerving. I find if I hit the Stop, then restart, it’s better for a line or two, and then it goes back to doing it again.
Is anybody from Nuance reading this? We are MAD. And I’m with Bob– if there’s something better out there, please tell me.

ReplyJerome Ravetzsays:December 23, 2016 at 8:53 am

For what it is worth, I just now tried dictating from Nuance onto Notes, and it worked brilliantly, far more rapid and smooth than onto Word. I have El Capitan.

ReplyAlsays:May 2, 2017 at 7:17 am

Dragon Dictate does not work with Pages document on macOS Sierra, 10.12.4.


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