Kog M Aw Passive Dmg

Not Updated For Current Season

Seeing as he's one of the strongest ADC's late game as he is, doing that could make him too powerful. Riot has to be very careful with Kog'Maw because his kit allows for a lot. Also, I like Kog's passive. You can be helpful even in death with AoE true damage.

  • Jun 23, 2010 Welcome to the League of Legends Champion Spotlight featuring Kog'Maw, the Mouth of the Abyss. Check out the full video for a guide to Kog's abilities, gameplay, and suggested build, or scurry.
  • Kog'Maw PBE Feedback Thread. Why didn't we change Kog'Maw's passive?. Though I agree he current passive isn't perfect and doesn't really help him in his standard combat scenario, I didn't feel that it was so broken that it needed to be redone from the ground up. One of the things about these large batch changes is that we.

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I've been playing Kog'Maw for quite some time now, and after having a bunch of friends ask me how to build him, I figured I'd just make a guide I could link them to, since I don't think I've actually seen this same build and everything on another guide (not that I've looked, really). Kog'Maw has possibly the best consistent range in the game, when his W ( Bio-Arcane Barrage) is active, as it is even farther than a level 18 Tristana's auto-attack. This allows you to be plenty far away from the fight, while still kicking ***. Add in the fact that you do 10% of the enemy's max health as magic damage with every shot, and you end up with somewhere between 2.2 and 2.5 attack speed, and you are a force to be feared. Btw, I run AS Kog'Maw. I despise AP Kog, and have yet to see a good one, especially one that could beat me while I was AS Kog.
Note: This is my first guide, and I'm hoping to improve it over time. Feel free to give me suggestions on how to make it look nicer.
Note 2: Since apparently I need to prove my own credibility or awesomeness or something through stories of daring-do, I'll just say this: Pentakills are fun. I've gotten about 6, maybe more, with Kog.
NOTE ON BUILDS: The first is the one that I recommend you go with for regular 5v5 on Summoner's Rift. The second one is the same but with different runes, because it's the rune set I'm currently using on him, just trying it out. The third one is the Dominion build.


I fully admit there are probably better runes for Kog out there then attack speed and armor pen. However, by the time I got Kog, I already had some attack speed runes, and the armor pen quints, and not much else. I decided to just finish off the attack speed runes, and honestly I've never really had much of a complaint about my runes. I've been using the same page for Kog as long as I can remember, and it's gone rather well for me.

Kog M Aw Passive Dmg 1

Edit: Alright, I've added in a second one, which I will keep updated with MY current runes and whatnot for Kog, because I sometimes like to try out different sets. Feel free to try it out if you want. I figured I'd add in some survivability with the armor and magic resist runes, and leave the others because of how strong they are.

Unique Skills

Caustic Spittle: It's honestly not all that great of a move. I get levels in it because of the passive attack speed increase. Don't get me wrong, though. Anytime you're about to start attacking somebody with your W, and if you are actually in range to use Caustic spittle, you should do so. However, in most team fights you should be far enough away from the battle that you're not actually in range to hit anybody with Caustic Spittle.
Bio-Arcane Barrage: One of my favorite abilities in the game, if not my favorite. At max level, it does 6% of the enemy's max health in magic damage with every attack. Combine this with the Madred's Bloodrazor, and that's 10%. Without building AP. Your early game harrassment, before you hit level 6, will mostly consist of either slowing the enemy and hitting them with W-empowered attacks, or hitting them with your Q and then the same thing, or all three, or just the empowered attacks.
Void Ooze: It's a decent slow, but since you're not building AP, and it costs a lot of mana as it is, only get 1 level in it until you're forced to get more. Don't use it for the damage, because it doesn't exactly DO much damage. It does its job just fine even with only one point in it. NOTE: If you're trying to escape from people who are chasing you, fire it IN FRONT OF YOU, rather than behind you, because this way A) you don't take time to turn around (twice), and B) they have to run through the whole thing, rather than maybe half of it, depending on how close they are to you.
Living Artillery: Where to begin? This is another of my favorite abilities in the entire game. First things first: You must, MUST master this ability. If you can learn to aim it like a pro, it will be your best friend next to your W. This is what lets me burst people down one-on-one. You just auto-attack with your W active, and your Q's debuff on them, and then use your ult whenever it's up until they get out of range. It does an okay amount of damage until late game, and even then it does just fine against the squishier members of the other team. It's great for checking bushes because of the added bonus of revealing enemies that are hit by it. It's one of the best harassing moves in the game, to the point where I usually end up making people afraid to get within the range of it, because I've gotten so good at landing it. Once you hit level 6, assuming you still have some mana and that you don't WASTE IT by using his ult in quick succession, you should control the lane easily against almost ANY enemy champion, assuming you haven't fed them too much. It's also a great thing to use while chasing people, because you can probably take out half of their health with just this move between the time that they get out of range of your auto attack, and the time that they get out of range of your ult. I'll admit that I've stolen plenty of kills with this move as well, though I generally only steal them from my good friends.
So, main points about his ult:
- decent damage
- be careful about using it too many times in a row because you'll run out of mana
- use it to check bushes
Kog- great for using while chasing people
- I'm pretty sure that at max level its range is actually slightly larger than your sight radius. Yeah.


I've played quite a few games as Kog'Maw. While he isn't as classy as Gentleman Cho'Gath, he's still pretty awesome, and looks great in a top hat:
Anywho, he's by far my favorite champion in the game. Here's some tips to make your time more enjoyable while playing as Kog'Maw:
- When you die, if you manage to kill somebody with your passive, or if they narrowly escape you, type something along the lines of 'GIVE KOG'MAW A HUG!' in /all.
- Just listen to what he says, and make sure to check out his dance, joke, and taunt, as they are all hilarious.
- Start up the trumpet noise, and then rush into a teamfight
- At the beginning of the game, after you grab Bio-Arcane Barrage, if you're in mid lane, go check to see if they're standing next to/in front of their turret. If they are, and if you line yourself up just right, you can still hit them as long as your Bio-Arcane Barrage is active, without taking turret aggro. I've actually gotten kills this way when people weren't paying attention

Kog M Aw Passive Dmg 2

first off, i'd like to expand on something that is known. crit scales tremendously compared to on-hit. now, i'm not talking about your standard on-hit, we're talking about kog'maw the s6 changed on-hit monster that somehow reluctantly kept his former item path. i bring this up because i'm constantly shut down by the fact that kog'maw is "supposed" to be a late game monster with a ton of damage. but that is based on 1 ability, the course of the game, and items that the enemy team builds. the 1 ability i'm takling about is his W. at max rank he gets 7% max HP in magic damage on hit. this ability is great but i feel like kog'maw relies on it too much instead of using it inbetween his Q, E, and R to weave his autos. so this 7% max HP is the reason why he scales because as the enemy team gains levels, he does more damage to them. but as they gain levels they also gain MR (as of a few patches ago) so unless you're someone who is stacking health, kog'maw is doing little damage to you. now because kog'maw has been dubbed the season 6 on-hit king he builds nothing but attack speed items to compliment his on-hit. he gains his natural attack speed, from his Q passive, and from his main items. lets say he builds Rageblade, Berserker Greaves, BoRK, and Runaans, LDR and (insert your personal item here, Mallet). He gets 2.50AS from this, some armor shred and some aoe slow (aoe b/c of runaans/mallet). two issues arise. what does kog'maw do with this build since it really doesn't benefit as much as his 5AS game-breaking W? sure it provides him with 2.5AS but the reason why it was good in s6 was because this was all it took to get his max attack speed but isn't ideal right now. he ~SHOULDN'T~ be building on-hit anymore but is stuck with this build since he really has no other build path to go. he cannot build crit (ie, shiv, RFC [well maybe this one], ER) since none of his abilities scale or interact with crit, he cannot build tons of AD seeing as none of his abilities (EXCEPT HIS ULT (120% BONUS AD)) scale with AD, and he simply cannot build cooldown reduction since the only reasonable options are triforce (rip old triforce) and Essence Reaver. kog'maw does damage, yes, but if you're building those sweet, delicious health items he craves. since he does %max HP mgc dmg from his W, 8% current HP phys dmg from BoRK he's ripping through your health bars, ideally. recently items like randuins, spirit visage (and newly introduced items) have higher resistance values and lower health values. this means that kog'maw is doing lower %hp damage that is being factored through higher resistance values. this doesn't pertain to just his W but to BoRK as well. this wouldn't be an issue if kog'maw could utilize LDR or Void staff the way other champions can (caitlyn with LDR or diana with void staff). because kog'maw itemization is spread across 2 categorize of scaling he simply cannot build either or both and must resort to building AS, on-hit, life steal, etc. i've begun to realize that kog'maw is heavily gated by several factors: * his inability to spam spells compared to other AD caster in his subcategory * scaling takes nearly all game for both him and the enemy team * ineffective unless the enemy team builds HP items, still ineffective if they have alot of resistances * W has a long cooldown * cannot build CDR since triforce doesn't help kog'maw scale into midgame anymore and ER is honestly trash * has no interactions with crit, AD (except ult), can't build AP as an ADC (not enough variety), and cannot build resistance shredders * lowest mobility, no mobility items (runaans, mallet), way too reliant on team mates compared to other late game monsters * lowest range without W (tied with other ADCs, superior to urgot) * must have 6 stacks on rageblade for on-hit to do evident damage * so many build paths that do not suit him/maximize his potential * kog'maw changes are typically number changes which should say something about how his kit is set up * did i mention W, HIS MAIN POWER HOUSE ABILITY, has an incredibly long cooldown? all of these things are keeping kog'maw from being a really good, reliable pick. it's best to simply revert him fully to S5 kog'maw with Triforce or look into improving his kit interactions with either his other abilities or the items he purchases. i really hope someone will take a look at kog'maw instead of giving me the typical "his win rate is X so he's fine" or "you have no idea what you're talking about, kog'maw is a monster". i get tired of hearing the standard "kog'maw does the most damage as an ADC" but that damage is conditional to many of the things i've listed above. thanks

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