Poe Flask Gain As Extra Dmg

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A very powerful Trapper Saboteur build based on the Voltaxic Rift and Arc's damage conversion to Chaos

The Best Crafty Guides by Odealo

As in every other critical-based build, a Diamond Flask is mandatory. Divine Life Flask can be used in sticky situations, you should have it instant or half-instant with bleed removal suffix. For more defence you can use other utility flasks like Basalt Flask, Granite Flask, Ruby Flask, Sapphire Flask or Topaz Flask.

Estimated budget: medium

Guide notes
June 25, 2018
-Build created
  • These three notables are the best such, providing both high elemental resistance and other benefits, and being able to pick up a strong extra resistant notable in a part of the tree not already tracked to could prove highly valuable for such builds depending on whether acquiring unique capabilities via the amulet-notable or saving skill points.
  • This flask should be cheap, as it's not commonly used. However, keep this flask at 0% quality so that you only take chaos DoT from it in 4 seconds and not longer than that! Other flasks include a Sulphur flask, a Basalt flask, a Quicksilver flask and a Silver flask/Eternal Life flask with removal of bleed, chill, freeze and curses.

Saboteur became the second most popular Ascendancy class in Path of Exile in Patch 3.3. Traps were significantly buffed, Shadow's part of the Skill Tree was redesigned to make it easier for Trapper characters, as well as a number of interesting and powerful Trap-related Gems, were introduced. In general, Trappers provide insane burst damage and various defensive mechanics are available to them including Mind over Matter and high Mana Regeneration, or Evasion and Dodge from Ranger's part of the Tree.

To check the full list of our other Path of Exile Crafty Guides go here: Odealo's Crafty Guides - Full List

1. Gameplay

As a Trapper you can lay Traps, that will cast certain skills when they are triggered by an enemy, or when their duration expires. With the use of Trap Support Gem, you can use Traps to cast any Spell or Attack that uses bows and wands. While the average damage of supported skills doesn't differ much from the regular damage of the skill, you are able to lay down as much as 23 Traps simultaneously. This provides one of the highest burst DPS in Path of Exile, and Traps excel in Boss fights and end-game encounters. Defenses in this build are based on Life, Mind over Matter and Dodge. On top of that, you can use Blink Arrow which is a much more reliable movement skill compared to Flame Dash usually used in standard Trapper builds.

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2. Build's PROS & CONS

  • insane burst DPS
  • good clear speed
  • immunity to reflect map mods
  • all content viable
  • decent defenses with over 4000 Life, Mind over Matter and Dodge
  • optimal socket colors are hard to get on the BiS gear
  • very high Mana Costs make it feel clunky without proper gear
  • moderate mobility

3. Leveling tips

Leveling a Trapper is very easy. It is not the fastest type of character, but its' damage output is one of the highest even with just self-found rares. You can also get the Deerstalker boots or Mirebough staff. Both those items provide cheap 5 and 6 link setups, which will make your Traps one-shot everything on your way. In terms of gear, you should mainly focus on Life, Spell Damage, and Mana Regeneration rate.

Suggested leveling Gem setups:

Fire Trap setup
Fire Trap - one of the first Traps available in Path of Exile. It deals moderate Fire AoE Damage making it a great choice for leveling
Arcane Surge Support - increases your Spell Damage and Mana Regeneration Rate
Added Cold Damage Support - adds Cold Damage to supported skills
Added Lightning Damage Support - adds Lightning Damage to supported skills
Arc Trap setup
Arc - since Arc Traps is your primary DPS source in this build, we recommend using it as soon as possible
Added Lightning Damage
Trap and Mine Damage Support - increased the damage of supported Traps and Mines
Controlled Destruction Support - greatly increases the Spell Damage of supported spells
Trap Support - granted by the Mirebough staff or the Deerstalker boots
Flame Dash
Flame Dash - recommended movement skill until you start using Voltaxic Rift. Linked together with Arcane Surge will also grant the buff
Faster Casting Support - increases the Cast Speed of Flame Dash
Arcane Surge Support
Utility Gems
Conductivity - recommended Curse for the leveling phase
Herald of Ice - adds Cold Damage to your Spells and Attacks and causes AoE explosions when killing Frozen enemies
Clarity - increases Mana Regeneration rate


We recommend helping Alira for extra Elemental Resistances and Crit. multiplier

Leveling Skill Trees:

33 Points Skill Tree
Priorities: 1) Saboteur 2) Expeditious Munitions 3) High explosives 4) Clever Construction

56 Points Skill Tree
Priorities: 1) Coordination 2) Master Sapper 3) Phase Acrobatics 4) Blast Cascade

Recommended leveling items:

Praxis - grants increased Mana Regeneration rate and high maximum Mana. Praxis is one of the best leveling rings in Path of Exile
+(20-25) to maximum Mana
+(30-60) to maximum Mana
(3-6) Mana Regenerated per second
-(8-4) to Total Mana Cost of Skills
8% of Damage taken gained as Mana over 4 seconds when Hit
Fencoil - excellent leveling Staff, that provides the Trap Support Gem and a cheap 4-link
18% Chance to Block
Socketed Gems are Supported by Level 8 Trap
(40-50)% increased Damage
(10-20)% increased maximum Life
(10-20)% increased maximum Mana

Poe Flask Gain As Extra Dmg 1

Mirebough - Fated version of the Fencoil staff. It provides a cheap (when compared to regular 6linked items) 6 linked item for your Trap setup
18% Chance to Block
Socketed Gems are Supported by Level 16 Trap
Socketed Gems are Supported by Level 16 Cluster Trap
Socketed Gems are Supported by Level 16 Trap And Mine Damage
(40-50)% increased Damage
(10-20)% increased maximum Life
(10-20)% increased maximum Mana
Deerstalker - a cheaper alternative to Mirebough. Deerstalker boots provide very cheap 5-linked setup for your Traps which is more than enough to help you complete the campaign and start mapping
Socketed Gems are Supported by Level 11 Trap
(160-200)% increased Evasion Rating
+(35-45) to maximum Life
(14-18)% increased Trap Throwing Speed
15% increased Movement Speed
15% increased Movement Speed for 9 seconds on Throwing a Trap

4. Final Skill tree, Ascendancy Points, and Pantheon

Final Skill Tree:

115 Points Final Skill Tree
115 Points Path of Building link

Ascendancy points:

Preferably in that order:

  1. Perfect Crime
  2. Chain Reaction
  3. Pyromaniac
  4. Born in the Shadows


Major God: Soul of Lunaris - 1% additional Physical Damage Reduction for each nearby Enemy, up to 8%; 1% increased Movement Speed for each nearby Enemy, up to 8%

Minor God: Soul of Gruthkul - 1% additional Physical Damage Reduction for each Hit you've taken Recently up to a maximum of 5%

5. Final Gems links

[DPS] Arc Trap setup
Arc - your main DPS spell that is cast by your Traps
Trap Support - allows you to throw Traps that use the supported skills
Trap and Mine Damage Support
Controlled Destruction Support
Added Chaos Damage Support - adds Chaos Damage to supported Spells
Added Lightning Damage Support
Optional Gems:
Cluster Traps Support- makes you throw more Traps at once, but each deal less damage. It's a good Support Gem for faster map farming and when you can't afford 4 blue sockets (using both Cherrubim's and Voltaxic Rift make it somewhat problematic)
[UTILITY] Wither Spell Totem
Wither - a channeled spell that increases Chaos Damage taken by enemies it hinders
Spell Totem Support - will spawn a Totem that uses the With Spell
Faster Casting Support - increases the rate at which your Spell Totem builds up Wither stacks
[MOBILITY] Blink Arrow
Blink Arrow - movement skill that can be used with Bows. It also created a clone of yourself which in combination with Phasing makes you less likely to be attacked
Faster Attacks Support - increases the Attack Speed of Blink Arrow skill
[CURSE] Orb of Storms CoH setup
Orb of Storms - an area/duration spell that is used to apply your curse and generate additional Power Charges
Arcane Surge Support - match this Gem's level to Orb of Storm's Mana cost so that you gain the buff with every cast
Assassin's Mark - increases the chance for cursed enemies to be critically hit, and the damage you deal with Critical Strikes. Also, generated Power Charges
Curse on Hit Support - will make Orb of Storms apply your supported Curses
[AURA/UTILITY] Immortal Call and Clarity setup
Cast when Damage Taken Support - auto-casts supported spells (Immortal Call). Keep this Gem at level 1
Vaal Clarity - grants Mana Regeneration Aura, and also the Vaal version of the skill- which makes your skills cost no Mana for a brief duration
Increased Duration Support - increases the duration of both Immortal Call and Vaal Clarity
Immortal Call - grants brief immunity to Physical Damage. Is auto-cast and shouldn't be leveled above level 3
[AURA] Wrath
Wrath - adds Lightning Damage to your Spells and Attacks
[GOLEM] Ice Golem
Ice Golem - increases your chance to Critically Strike
Cast when Damage Taken Support - auto-casts supported spells (Summons the Ice Golem). Use at maximum level

Poe Flask Gain As Extra Dmg Free

[UTILITY] Phase Run
Phase Run - makes you less visible to enemies and increases your Movement Speed for a brief duration. Keep this gem at level 7
Cast when Damage Taken Support - auto-casts supported spells (Phase Run). Use at level 5

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5. Gear Setup

Poe Flask Gain As Extra Dmg Download

Poe flask gain as extra dmg free

Below you will find all the required gear for this build. We have also included optional gear options. While this build is not very expensive, it requires several specific uniques, with rather unusual socket colors. Until you can obtain all the recommended gear, we advise playing this build as a regular Arc Trapper without the Chaos Damage conversion, possibly wearing cheap rare items (6-link in Mirebough, 5-link rare Staff, rare Body Armour, and Boots). 5-6 Links in Arc Trap setup will easily allow you to farm low tier maps and farm the currency needed for the more expensive gear.

We would also like to invite you to visit our marketplace where you can restock your PoE Currency. On Odealo you can buy Orbs and Unique items from regular players, which guarantees competitive prices and prompt delivery.

Our recommended items will:

  1. Cap your resistances
  2. Give you enough DPS/Life to start mapping successfully

Stat priorities on items:

  1. Life
  2. Elemental Resistances
  3. Lightning/Spell Damage
  4. Critical Strike Chance & Multiplier
  5. Mana and Mana Regeneration rate
  6. Chaos Damage
(Helmet) Rare Life/Res. helmet - aim for the highest defensive stats you can afford
Min. requirements:
70 maximum Life
25% Fire Resistance
25% Cold Resistance
25% Lightning Resistance
Optional affixes:
(Helmet) Starkonja's Head - a perfect choice for this build. It grants Crit Chance, very high Life bonus and Attack Speed (faster movement with Blink Arrow)
50% reduced Damage when on Low Life
+(50-70) to Dexterity
10% increased Attack Speed
25% increased Global Critical Strike Chance
(100-130)% increased Evasion Rating
+(80-100) to maximum Life
150% increased Global Evasion Rating when on Low Life
Helmet enchantment:
40% increased Arc Damage
(Weapon) Voltaxic Rift - mandatory item for this build. Converts 60% of the Lightning Damage to Chaos. The Damage bonuses on this bow are irrelevant for this build, you can only focus on getting higher Attack Speed for better mobility with Blink Arrow
Adds 1 to (275-325) Lightning Damage
(10-15)% increased Attack Speed
60% of Lightning Damage Converted to Chaos Damage
10% chance to Shock
Your Chaos Damage can Shock
(Quiver) Rare Life/Crit. quiver - in most cases the rare quiver will provide the highest DPS. It can also provide better defensive utility
Min. requirements:
80 maximum Life
60% Global Critical Strike Chance
30% Global Critical Strike Multiplier
30% Lightning Resistance
(Quiver) Saemus' Gift - a budget-friendly quiver for this build. If you end up with high Intelligence bonuses on your rare gear including amulet and rings, this Quiver can grant over 30% increased Lightning Damage. It's a decent pick and costs near to nothing
(20-30)% increased Global Critical Strike Chance
+(30-40) to Dexterity
(8-12)% increased Cast Speed
+(30-60) to maximum Life
+(20-40)% to Lightning Resistance
20% chance to Avoid being Stunned
1% increased Lightning Damage per 10 Intelligence
(Armour) Cherrubim's Maleficence - grants very high DPS bonus but lacks the Inpulsa's AoE explosions
3% reduced Movement Speed (Hidden)
(50-80)% increased Chaos Damage
(160-200)% increased Armour and Evasion
+(70-100) to maximum Life
100% increased Life Leeched per second
(Armour) Inpulsa's Broken Heart - the best in the slot. Also, Inpulsa's Broken Heart can easily provide 4 blue sockets for the Arc Trap setup
3% reduced Movement Speed (Hidden)
+(60-80) to maximum Life
(20-50)% increased Damage if you have Shocked an Enemy Recently
(25-40)% increased Effect of Shock
Unaffected by Shock
Shocked Enemies you Kill Explode, dealing (5-10)% of
their Maximum Life as Lightning Damage which cannot Shock
(Boots) Inya's Epiphany - this pair of boots provide very high damage bonus. Also can amplify the Saemus' Gift's Lightning Damage bonus
+(50-70) to maximum Life
25% increased Movement Speed
(5-8)% increased Intelligence
5% increased Damage per Power Charge
25% chance that if you would gain Power Charges, you instead gain up to
your maximum number of Power Charges
Boot enchament:
Adds 120 to 180 Chaos Damage if you've taken a Critical Strike Recently
10% Chance to Dodge Attack Hits if you've taken a Critical Strike Recently
8% chance to Dodge Spell Hits if you've taken Spell Damage Recently
(Belt)Rare Life/Res. belt - preferably a Stygian Vise if you can afford one for the extra Abyss socket
Min. requirements:
80 maximum Life
29% Fire Resistance
29% Cold Resistance
29% Lightning Resistance
(Gloves) Maligaro's Virtuosity - very cheap and solid pair of gloves for this build. Since they are that cheap, you can freely try to double-corrupt them for increased Spell Crit. Chance and maximum Life
+(20-30) to Dexterity
5% increased Attack Speed
50% increased Global Critical Strike Chance
+(20-30)% to Global Critical Strike Multiplier
(60-80)% increased Evasion Rating
Optional corrupt modifiers:
Spells have +% to Critical Strike Chance
increased maximum Life
Glove enchantment:
Commandment of Frost
(Ring) Rare ring - used mainly for defensive stats (Life/Resistances) extra Lightning Damage is a nice addition
Min. requirements:
60 maximum Life
40 maximum Mana
26% Fire Resistance
26% Cold Resistance
33% Lightning Resistance
Optional affixes:
increased Lightning Damage
(Ring) Rare ring - same as above, though lower total Resistances are required and it might be affordable to get a Diamond Ring for extra Crit.
Min. requirements:
60 maximum Life
40 maximum Mana
30 Strength
39% Fire Resistance
39% Cold Resistance
Optional affixes:
increased Global Critical Strike Chance
(Amulet) Rare amulet - with Crit. Chance and Multiplier as the core stats for this slot
Min. requirements:
60 maximum Life
24% Global Critical Strike Chance
24% Global Critical Strike Multiplier
11% all Elemental Resistances
Optional affixes:
Spell Damage
(Jewels) Abyss jewels - with added Lightning Damage to Spells
Recommended affixes:
maximum Life
added Lightning Damage to Spells
added Lightning Damage to Spells while wielding a two handed weapon
Optional affixes:
missing Attributes
added Chaos Damage to Spells
(Jewels) Rare jewels - this should provide extra Life and damage bonuses
Recommended affixes:
increased maximum Life
increased Elemental/Lightning/Spell Damage
Optional affixes:
increased Global Critical Strike Multiplier
increased Global Critical Strike Chance
(Flask) Atziri's Promise - the best Flask for this build. Grants additional Chaos Damage and insane Life Leech
+35% to Chaos Resistance
2% of Chaos Damage Leeched as Life during Flask effect
Gain (15-20)% of Physical Damage as Extra Chaos Damage during effect
Gain (10-15)% of Elemental Damage as Extra Chaos Damage during effect
(Flask) Vessel of Vinktar - another great utility Flask. You should only use the one with added Lightning Damage to Spells
+50% to Lightning Resistance
+6% to maximum Lightning Resistance
(80-100)% increased Charges used
Shocks nearby Enemies during Flask effect, causing 10% increased Damage taken
You are Shocked during Flask effect, causing 50% increased Damage taken
Adds (15-25) to (70-90) Lightning Damage to Spells during Flask effect
20% of Lightning Damage Leeched as Life during Flask effect
(Flask) Lavianga's Spirit - another great Flask for this build. If you can't afford it just yet, just use a random Mana Flask
Your Skills have no Mana Cost during Flask effect
Other suggested Flasks:
  1. Bubbling Divine Life Flask of Staunching (immunity to bleeding)
  2. Experimenter's Diamond Flask of Grounding (increased Critical Strike Chance and self-shock removal)

Poe Flask Gain As Extra Dmg For Windows

Odealo is a secure marketplace for PoE Currency and Unique Items where trades are made by regular players with the use of real money.

If you have any other build requests please leave that in the comments below.

Pictures used in this article are the intellectual property of Grinding Gear Games.

(43-50)% increased Spell Damage
Gain 6% of Non-Chaos Damage as extra Chaos Damage
How do I specifically find this mod? Is this mod unlocked through any one handed veiled mod or does it have to be a wand/scepter?
Last bumped on Mar 18, 2019, 4:19:24 PM
Posted by
on Mar 16, 2019, 10:24:51 PM
Is this just unlocked from Jun unveiled items?
Posted by
on Mar 18, 2019, 3:46:32 PM
Is this just unlocked from Jun unveiled items?

Posted by
on Mar 18, 2019, 3:49:33 PM
This mod has been replaced by specific elemental dmg as extra chaos and is not available anymore.
This change has been made due to interactions with conversions, where every step of the conversion would get the added chaos dmg resulting in way more added dmg then intended.
Posted by
on Mar 18, 2019, 4:19:24 PM

Poe Flask Gain As Extra Dmg 2

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