Veigar Tanky High Dmg Build

  1. Veigar Tanky High Dmg Build Free
  2. Veigar Tanky High Dmg Build Guide

Veigar Tanky High Dmg Build Free

You must play with very bad veigars he cannot be outshined by other casters cause they don't have mega stun for over 2 sec and AOE that does 1500 damageand i build him tanky Malzahar and Kassadin rape Veigar before he has a chance to cast a single spell.


i actually play veigar support quite a bit in ranked. He has a few issues:
Hes really squishy early game. Having no starting defensive stats and very low hp, against aggressive supports like leona or thresh he can be punished early in lane quite hard.
Hes also an incredibly high skill requirement support. As your opponents become more skilled at not walking into the walls, you have to be even better at landing the edge of the wall directly on them even in high speed moments like when a Leona is zenith blading towards your adc.
He doesnt work well against full ad teams. His only target in teamfights is to nuke the AP carry on the enemy team. Since building ap on a support and not having stacked his q in lane will just turn into an extra squishy with less payoff than a regular mid veigar, i build my veigar into a utility tank, 40% cdr with hp and resists. That being said all my abilities to **** for dmg except th eultimate because it scales with enemy ap as well. So if they build squishy then my ult deals like 600 dmg.
He does have benefits. His AOE stun is as powerful as tibbers/solar flare/ crescendo and its on 1/10 th the cooldown. with 40% cdr you can get multiple off every fight, throwing out 2.5 second stuns like theyre skittles. if your carries are good you can win fights and save lives with the repeated stuns on multiple targets.
if morgana were to be nerfed where her 3 second bind is not as useful, i see veigar becoming the next best thing. Fiddle support was really popular, and even rammus support was being played a bit because of their 3 second cc, now morgana too. after morgana gets nerfed i see veigar being the next best caster support.

Veigar Tanky High Dmg Build Guide

  • May 03, 2012  he's not really a counter despite what people think. Veigar can still burst him down even though ryze doesn't build ap,and you won't be able to harass him out in my experience. Just passively farm and/or wait for jungler gank i think. He will oneshot people lategame while being squishy, with 'high' cooldowns, you'll be tanky and do constant high dmg. Kinda a tradeoff.
  • Oct 12, 2017 When laning against Veigar, build Mercury’s Treads instead of Sorcerer’s Shoes as it gives extra magic resist and tenacity Hard Counters Fizz – The kit of Fizz allows him to dodge most of Veigar’s abilities while dealing tremendous amounts of damage.
  • May 15, 2019  Veigar Gameplay Guide 0:00 Build 0:04 Runes Twitch: Discord: Enjoyed?
  • May 15, 2019 Veigar Gameplay Guide 0:00 Build 0:04 Runes Twitch: Discord: Enjoyed? - Like 👍, Comment & Subscribe.

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