How To Get Higher Lightning Dmg D2 Sorc

Oct 15, 2007 DEX: Max block is VERY hard to get with a dream shield, but i'm sure it would be very useful. I think my next rebuild of this sorc will have max block. You need very high dex (for a sorc anyway) b/c you want high AR. ENR/VIT: If you're going with an E-shield build, you will want to put more in ENR than VIT. For each level after I got my STR. Apr 18, 2012 Its of course better with higher resistance but it comes second to the attributes. Hellfire Torch with as high attributes as possible the res should be over 15 here too. 7 Lightning skillers with life and some small charms with life and res. Get one light skiller with 12 FHR then you will get to the next breakpoint for sorcs. Breakpoints Faster.


How To Get Higher Lightning Dmg D2 Sorcerer

How to get higher lightning dmg d2 sorc build

How To Get Higher Lightning Dmg D2 Sorc 2

I played D2 few years ago. Recently I started play again old games like Baldurs Gate saga etc and wanted to try again D2. But I cant decide between Lightning sorc or Summoner necro. I heard summoner necro can play even naked but Im afraid this will become boring after awhile. On the other hand Im afraid Lightning sorc will have hard time vs immune monsters (single element). So any advice about this two classes? Did you get bored with necro? Or how to deal with immune monsters as single element sorc? Whats better option for first build on the account (as i said I played few years ago but I dont remeber much so i consider myself as new player)?
PS: I know its D3 forum but I think its better place to ask than Video Game Discusion.

How To Get Higher Lightning Dmg D2 Sorc 2017

Thanks for the suggestion. I have looked at those, but both of them require use of the front and back bar, which is something I cannot do.
My age (71) kind of lowered my reaction time to nothing for things coming at me, memory issues, etc. So, hence I was looking for a front-bar only setup (I'll heave some healing spells on the back-bar, but I can't handle offensive abilities on two bars).
I think I'm going in the right direction with the abilities in Storm Calling, having played it today for several hours and getting comfortable with having to get close to the enemy with Lightning Form (5m max distance is not much in-game).
Like you said, play around, which is what I'm doing. It's a lot different if you try to change a level 45 character into the lightning setup and basically not know what you're doing, versus playing the setup from the beginning with a new character.
I also found a 1-bar setup from a player named DeadlyPhoenix that I'm going to try out (his is for VMA, which I've never ever done in all the years I'm playing because I mainly play solo), but I should be able to adapt it to normal play.

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