Max Dmg Fora Spear Gw 1

The polar opposite of Bison's massive damage with no healing approach is the opponents who have little interest in killing you, but will spam self-heals to try for a stalemate. You'll have to bring skills to either cause a substantial damage spike of 200+ HP within several seconds, or else bring interrupts or some other way to stop their healing. Damage in Guild Wars results from actions taken by attackers that subtract a portion of a target's health.This definition includes many attacks or skills (including spells) but does not include health degeneration, life stealing, sacrifice, or direct health loss caused by skills such as Infuse Health, Flesh of My Flesh, or Illusion of Weakness. The build doesn't lose much by having enough for a spear. Shield's Up can gain 1 second, and watch yourself gains 2 armor. That's the TOTAL of the bonus you would get. However, a spear adds damage. I think it is worth it. frvwfr2 (talk contributions) 17:18, 20 July 2007 (CEST) When used on a hero, it would be attacking anyways. Even a rank of 1 will provide you with an additional 53 HP. Earlier tournament opponents. Some opponents are pretty easy to beat with any reasonable build. Here are some tips against the ones that can be hard. Danika, Sheena, and Brutus. You have to fight all three at once. Danika does virtually no damage, but spams heals on the others. Attempting to wield a Droknar's Sword (requirement 9) at 8 Swordsmanship will result in it dealing 2-3 damage like a Starter Sword) If the weapon is a dropped item, it will deal half damage. For example, a max 6-28 axe will have a base damage range of 3-14 when you. May 13, 2006  I highly doubt thats possible, unless hes on open an hes hacked. My lvl86 bone necro has lvl 50 spear hes got gear that even i am surprised i was able to get. But even at lvl 50 spear my bspear only does 5k, now i havent maxed teeth yet but am putting points into it an i am sure tht once it is maxed the spear will only do closer to 6k.

i'm kinda new to this forum, and my story in SRO began so simply
caz' my first account was Eru. 2h sword 'lvl 51'---------->totally sux
and my second accound was Chi. bow-nuker------------->should i say anything
Maxwhat i'm trying to say that i really DO need some help for my new character.
i'm a nuker 'full int. TOTALLY'. i'm farming SP's '3~6 gaps' and didn't make any up for anything except for lightning.
the question is: what is the BEST build i can get 'regarding the best DIABOLICAL hits'?
i have many many suggestions and i spent the last 2 weeks reading guides, observing videos from youtube, and analising PVPs in front of the cities to come up with the build im dreaming of. Alas, everything contradicts everything
however, what do you think of this:
1) Bicheon 90
Lightening 90
Fire 90
'and that's it, cold 'remember that i'm seeking for the best hits not defence'
2) Bicheon 90
cold 90
'and no fire'
3) 'which is the most risky choice, though the best i might get for a killing -so-fragile- machine nuker.
Lightening 90
cold 90

Max Dmg Fora Spear Gw 1 Download

fire 90
'and no weapon tree. Just hold 'if you got lucky enough' sos S/S. and pray for a 'BLOCK'
4) Bicheon 90
Lightening 90
cold 60
fire 60
'i don't know about this build, but i asked a nuker from my server, and he said that this is the best
don't stare at me; im not the one who's saying that

Max Dmg For A Spear Gw 1 Download

*****I might talk too much, but i want to give you a clear overview about the 'deep sh*t' i'm in...

Max Dmg Fora Spear Gw 1 2

Max Dmg Fora Spear Gw 10

please, please guys,....give me your opinions

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